hiero-, hier-
(Greek: sacred, holy; religious)
A person who avoids religious objects or rituals, clergymen, or places of religious worship: Tom, a hierophobic, had a very strong dislike of churches ever since he was forced to go to church with his parents every Sunday during the time he was living at home.
This nomenclature ("sacred lizard") is no longer recognized by scientists because they found that it described an animal that was previously given another name which is Nodosaurus. Named by G. R. Wieland in 1909.
1. Divination by examining the entrails of animals and, even humans, to foretell the future.
2. Divination by inspecting and interpreting the entrails of victims offered in sacrifice.
2. Divination by inspecting and interpreting the entrails of victims offered in sacrifice.
A receptacle for sacred objects.
Someone who treats people who have diseases with the use of prayers and religious practices.
Treatment of disease by prayer and religious practices.
A sacred or holy work or worship.
Relating to sacred rites.
Sacred work or performance.
This ancient Egyptian hieroglyph, the symbol of the Egyptian scribe, will take you to an explanation of hieroglyphs for a greater understanding of these special writing symbols.
Related religious-word units: church; dei-, div-; ecclesi-; fanati-; idol-; -olatry; theo-; zelo-.
Related "holy, sacred" word families: hagio-; icono-; sacro-; sanct-.