hiero-, hier-

(Greek: sacred, holy; religious)

hierogrammatist (s) (noun), hierogrammatists (pl)
A writer of hierograms, or sacred symbols: Mr. Smart was a hierogrammatist who was exceptionally skilled in hieroglyphics.
hierograph (s) (noun), hierographs (pl)
A sacred inscription or symbol: a hieroglyph: Mrs. Hathaway wanted a book with hierographs and their descriptions for her birthday.
hierographical, hierographic (adjective); more hierographica, mostl hierographical; more hierographic, most hierographic
Pertaining to, or descriptive of, sacred writing: Jerry was amazed at the hierographical scripts and texts that he viewed at the museum, and since they were the most hierographical ones ever found, they were all in glass cases and never to be touched.
hierography (s) (noun), hierographyies (pl)
In theology, sacred writing: The hierography that John was perusing was a treatise on old religions and sacred things, and was, in addition, of extraordinary value.
hierolater (s) (noun), hierolaters (pl)
An individual who worships saints; a saint worshiper: Mrs. Hathaway found out that her daughter was a member of hierolaters who gathered together once a week to praise and honor certain holy divinities and angels.
hierolatry (s) (noun) (no pl)
Worship of holy beings or saints; hagiolatry: Jill read an article about hierolatry and thought that this might give her a feeling of happiness if she honored a holy being.
hierological (adjective), more hierological, most hierological
A reference to hierology: In the library Susan looked for hierological literature dealing with religious beliefs and practices for her report in class.
hierologist (s) (noun), hierologists (pl)
A person who is versed in, or who studies hierology: Professor Smith was a hierologist who was renown for his historical knowledge of the religions of the world.
hierology (s) (noun), hierologies (pl)
The branch of study of sacred literature of a people: Hierology can be a treatise on sacred things, especially the science that deals with the ancient writings and inscriptions of the Egyptians, or a treatise on that science.

Hierology comprises the sacred literature or lore or the literature embodying the religious beliefs of a country or people, such as of the Egyptians, Greeks, Jews, etc.

hieromachy (s) (noun), hieromachies (pl)
A conflict or quarrel between priests: In the story, two clergymen were involved in a hieromachy about who was going to preside over the rituals the following day.
hieromancy (s) (noun) (no pl)
Divination from the observation of objects offered in religious sacrifices, or from sacred things: Hieromancy is a form of fortune-telling using sacrificial remains or sacred objects and observing the things offered as sacrifices, including entrails.
hieromania (s) (noun) (no pl)
A religious hysteria: Hieromania is a kind of religious insanity or a pathological religious fervor characterized by delusions with a religious content.

Heromania can show such symptoms as pathological religious visions or delusions or even show an abnormal interest in priests.

hieromaniac (s) (noun), hieromaniacs (pl)
A person who has pathological religious visions or delusions: Old Mr. Black was known to be a hieromaniacs and showed signs of religious fervour with delusions containing religious contents.
hieromantic (adjective), more hieromantic, most hieromantic
Referring to the prediction of the future with the observation of objects offered in religious sacrifices, or from sacred things: Hieromantic observatiosn of sacrificial remains or sacred objects are important to some people to divine the future.
hieromantist (s) (noun), hieromantists (pl)
An individual who divines the future with the observation of objects offered in religious sacrifices or from sacred things: In days one ago, a hieromantist could divine with sacrificial remains and with sacred items by observing the things offered as sacrifices, including entrails of sacrificed animals.

Ancient hieroscribe symbol This ancient Egyptian hieroglyph, the symbol of the Egyptian scribe, will take you to an explanation of hieroglyphs for a greater understanding of these special writing symbols.

Related religious-word units: church; dei-, div-; ecclesi-; fanati-; idol-; -olatry; theo-; zelo-.

Related "holy, sacred" word families: hagio-; icono-; sacro-; sanct-.