(Latin: large, great)
aggrandizable (adjective), more aggrandizable, most aggrandizable
Pertaining to something which can be made great or wonderful: The speaker made remarks about the aggrandizable potential of the new apartment building, referring especially to the architectural style.
The condition of being exalted or greater in power, rank, wealth, or honor: The auditors were questioning the sudden aggrandization of the mayor after he had been in office for two years.
aggrandize (verb), aggrandizes; aggrandized; aggrandizing
1. To enhance or to increase power, reputation, prestige, or stature: Being elected to the highest office of the land certainly aggrandized the sense of importance for Frank's uncle.
2. To exaggerate or to embellish an accomplishment: When describing the fish that he caught, Morgan's nephew, Mike, tends to aggrandize the length and weight of the fish.
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2. To exaggerate or to embellish an accomplishment: When describing the fish that he caught, Morgan's nephew, Mike, tends to aggrandize the length and weight of the fish.

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The increase or enhancement of prestige, power, or influence of someone: The president of the company used fancy letterheads on his memos, etc. to emphasize the aggrandizement of his new position.
An individual who seeks to improve, to enhance, or to expand the power or reputation of his or her position: In the film, "Executive Suite", Frederick March's role was one of an aggrandizer who attempted to manipulate a tense situation to his benefit.
1. An old fashioned word or expression to indicate thankfulness: The host for the graduation ceremony used many gramercies to express her appreciation for the speaker and her message to the students.
2. Etymology: exclamation of thanks or surprise, from Old French grand-merci, "great thanks".
2. Etymology: exclamation of thanks or surprise, from Old French grand-merci, "great thanks".
grand (adjective), more grand, most grand
Relating to a place, an object, or an occasion that is very impressive: There are many neighborhoods in Jill's city in which there are many very grand properties, often used for movie locations, photos for weddings, etc.
1. A type of epilepsy or a brain disorder in which clusters of nerve cells, or neurons, in the brain sometimes signal abnormally; resulting in the loss of consciousness, generalized muscle contractions, urinary incontinence, tongue biting and a condition with confusion and lethargy following the cessation of the stroke: Linda was subject to grand mal seizures which presented a risk for her pregnancies; so, she was frequently hospitalized during the months prior to giving birth to each of her children.
Some grand mal seizures may last for just a few seconds or they can continue for several minutes.
2. Etymology: from French grand mal, "big illness" and is an antonym of another type of epilepsy known as petit mal, "little illness".
The final sum obtained by adding several groups of numbers together: The cashier told the customer that the grand total of her grocery bill was over $100.
The state of being magnificent, pompous, or splendid: Ted's photographs present the beauty and grandeur of the countryside in his area.
The hotel owners have hired contractors to restore the hotel to its original grandeur.
Any of several plant hybrids distinguished by large showy flowers often seen among petunias, baby's breath, or roses: The plant nursery promised to call Mary when they got a new order of grandiflora for her garden, which would contrast with the dark green of the grass and hedges.
A self-important or extravagant language, style, or manner; especially, in a way that is intended to impress other people: The grandiloquence that is characteristic of the President's speeches often detract from the objectives of his speaking.

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grandiloquent (adjective), more grandiloquent, most grandiloquent
A reference to language which uses words that are intended to sound very impressive and important: The executive at the meeting was making a grandiloquent speech about the success of his company.

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grandiloquently (adverb), more grandiloquently, most grandiloquently
A reference to how someone speaks in a bombastic manner; high-sounding; high-flown; inflated; pretentious: Standing behind the lectern, the politician spoke more grandiloquently than ever before, but he rarely mentioned any practical suggestions for any significant courses of actions.
grandiloquous (adjective), more grandiloquous, most grandiloquous
Characterizing the use of communication by speaking in a style, or in a way, that is complicated in order to attract admiration and attention: Karl used grandiloquous conversation in order to make himself appear well-educated, intelligent, and well-informed.
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