You searched for: “seizure
Units related to: “seizure
(Greek: touch, touching, fasten, contact, seizure; binding, attaching)
(Latin: seize, snatch, plunder; grappling hook, drag; seizure, robbery, rapine, booty; ravish)
(Greek: in medicine, a painful seizure or sudden-acute pain; as, with gout)
Word Entries containing the term: “seizure
audiogenic seizure (s) (noun), audiogenic seizures (pl)
A form of reflex epilepsy resulting from exposure to sound: The symptoms of an audiogenic seizure relate to the disturbance of muscles, senses, or psyche and is usually caused by a sudden loud noise.
This entry is located in the following unit: audio-, aud-, audi-, audit- + (page 2)
convulsive seizure (s) (noun), convulsive seizures (pl)
A sudden onset of a disease, characterized by convulsions, palpitations, and other symptoms which is sometimes applied to an attack of an epileptic disorder.
This entry is located in the following unit: vuls-, vell- (page 1)
grand mal seizure (s) (noun), grand mal seizures (pl)
1. A type of epilepsy or a brain disorder in which clusters of nerve cells, or neurons, in the brain sometimes signal abnormally; resulting in the loss of consciousness, generalized muscle contractions, urinary incontinence, tongue biting and a condition with confusion and lethargy following the cessation of the stroke: Linda was subject to grand mal seizures which presented a risk for her pregnancies; so, she was frequently hospitalized during the months prior to giving birth to each of her children.

Some grand mal seizures may last for just a few seconds or they can continue for several minutes.

2. Etymology: from French grand mal, "big illness" and is an antonym of another type of epilepsy known as petit mal, "little illness".

This entry is located in the following units: clon-, clono-, clonus- (page 1) grand- (page 1) mal-, male-, mali- (page 1)
visual seizure
1. A form of epileptic seizure in which the patient experiences visual sensations in the form of light flashes, sometimes of varied colors.
2. An epileptic seizure, occurring alone or as an aura at the beginning of a seizure, in which the subject experiences flashes of light, of red or other colors, or other visual hallucinations as a result of neural discharges from the visual projection or visuopsychic areas (brain evaluations of visual impressions) of the nervous system.
This entry is located in the following unit: vid-, video-, vis-, -vision, -visional, -visionally, visuo-, vu- (page 17)