geo-, ge- +

(Greek: earth, land, soil; world; Gaia (Greek), Gaea (Latin), "earth goddess")

geomagnetic secular variation, secular variation (s) (noun); geomagnetic secular variations; secular variations (pl)
In geophysics, the changes in the Earth's magnetic field: Such geomagnetic secular variations occur over hundreds of years and are caused by internal changes in the Earth or a variation of any field or parameter which occurs over hundreds of years.
geomagnetic storm (s) (noun), geomagnetic storms (pl)
A world-wide disruption of the Earth's magnetic field, distinct from regular diurnal variations: A geomagnetic storm is caused by ionic disturbances from solar events.
geomagnetic variation (s) (noun), geomagnetic variations (pl)
Any change that happens to the geomagnetic field: A geomagnetic variation can be temporal or short-time changes in the geomagnetic field, both long-term (secular) and short-term (transient).
geomagnetically (adverb) (not comparable)
Relating to how terrestrial magnetism occurs: Geomagnetically effected currents, which were caused by geomagnetic fields, occurred in some pipelines.
geomagnetism (s) (noun), geomagnetisms (pl)
1. The magnetism of the Earth: Geomagnetism includes the various magnetic things that happen when they are generated by the Earth and its atmosphere, and by extension, the magnetic phenomena in interplanetary space.

Geomagnetism refers to te many magnetic phenomena that are generated by the Earth and its atmosphere, and to the magnetic phenomena in interplanetary space.
2. A branch of geology concerned with the magnetic properties of the Earth (no pl): Jim's mother was an expert in geomagnetism and gave lectures at the university, in addition to doing research in this field of science.

geomancy (s) (noun), geomancies (pl)
Divination or prophecy derived from the pattern made when earth is thrown down onto the ground, or lines drawn in the dirt: Geomancy is a foretelling or prediction by scattering pebbles, dust, sand grains, or seeds on the ground and interpreting their shapes and positions.

Geomancy includes making marks on the ground with a stick (now with a pencil or pen on paper).

Geomancy is still important by modern-day Chinese in Hong Kong and other places before construction of a building takes place.

geomantic (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to divination by the analysis of figures or lines drawn in dirt (or on paper): Mrs. Mason was interested in the geomantic practises and traditions in China.
geomantist (s) (noun), geomantists (pl)
Someone who foretells the future by using a system of divination by scattering pebbles, dust, sand grains, etc.: Sally's next-door neighbor was a geomantist who scattered seeds on the ground and interpreted their shapes and positions.
geomedicine (s) (noun), geomedicines (pl)
The branch of medicine concerned with the influence of environment, climatic and topographic conditions on health: Dr. Bates believed in geomedicine and read about the prevalence of diseases in different parts of the world.
geomelophagia (s) (noun), geomelophagias (pl)
An abnormal ingestion or chewing and swallowing raw potatoes: Dr. Thompson treated patients with disorders of geomelophagia who bad had headaches, nausea, diarrhoea and vomiting.
geometer (s) (noun), geometers (pl)
An expert in the analysis of variational problems in low-dimensional topology, which concerns properties preserved under continuous deformation, such as stretching and bending and other spaces that arise in nature: A geometer indicated that topological liquid crystal colloids could be used to upgrade current liquid crystal displays like those used in laptops and television screens and to allow them to interact with light in new, more energy efficient ways.
geometric (adjective), more geometric, most geometric
1. Relating to geometry; using the principles or methods of geometry: The young architect used geometric techniques in her building project.
2. Referring to a design, using or resembling the simple linear figures or forms associated with geometry: Jane used geometric shapes, like circles or triangles, in her patchwork quilt for her bed.
geometric concentration ratio (s) (noun), geometric concentration ratios (pl)
The ratio (elation in degree or number between two similar things) of a solar collector aperture area (amount of light admitted) to the absorber area or the surface on a solar collector that absorbs solar radiation: Jeff learned thatt a geometric concentration ratio was the ration or relation between a section of the photosensitive part of a solar cell and the complete area of that cell.
geometrical (adjective), more geometrical, most geometrical
Pertaining to, or according to the rules or principles of, geometry: Little Susan drew a cat with geometrical shapes, like triangle-shaped ears and a body which had an oval shape.

Geometrical is often used in a limited or strictly technical sense, as opposed to mechanical, therefore a construction or solution is geometrical which can be made by rulers and compasses, that is by means of right lines and circles.

geometrically (adverb), more geometrically, most geometrically
1. Regarding how something is created with simple shapes: The construction of the roof is geometrically interesting.
2. Pertaining to how geometry is put into praceice: The vines on the trellis grew quite geometrically up the side of the house.
3. Concerning how the rules or laws of geometry are applied: The students in class were very busy with calculating geometrically the amount of space inside a given object.

Available for further enlightenment: the Earth, Words from the Myths.

Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "land, ground, fields, soil, dirt, mud, clay, earth (world)": agra-; agrest-; agri-; agro-; argill-; choro-; chthon-; epeiro-; glob-; lut-; myso-; pedo-; pel-; rhyp-; soil-; sord-; terr-.