allo-, all-
(Greek: different, other, another; divergence; a combining form denoting a condition differing from the normal or a reversal, or referring to "another")
A propagative bud, differing from a vegetative bud: An allophytoid is an abnormal form of a small protuberance on a stem or branchbuds like the small buds of the tiger Lilly, or the offspring from a bulb.
The differentiated portion of protoplasm: Alloplasm can be myofibrils or cilia, but not forming independent organelles.
Alloplasm is a protoplasmic derivative, such as an intercellular substance and cell walls.
alloplasmatic (adjective) (not comparable)
Pertaining to the differentiation of the active protoplasm: Dr. Adams told his students about alloplasmatic distinction of of protoplasm, such as as myofibrils, tonofibrils, cili flagella and cilia.
Am inert inorganic material, such as plastic, used as an implant in humans or animals: An alloplast refers to the replacement of a natural body part or tissue with synthetic material.
An alloplast is a plastic compound of two or more tissues, as opposed to homoplast.
1. Having to do with an alloplast or the placement of an implant.
2. Relating to adaptation achieved by altering the external environment.
2. Relating to adaptation achieved by altering the external environment.
1. Any plastic operation which utilizes alloplastic materials.
2. The process of adapting by changing the environment rather than by changing oneself.
3. A plastic operation in which material from outside the human body is utilized; such as, stainless steel.
4. In psychoanalysis, the process whereby the libido of the growing individual directs its energies away from oneself and toward other individuals and objects as when acting out.
2. The process of adapting by changing the environment rather than by changing oneself.
3. A plastic operation in which material from outside the human body is utilized; such as, stainless steel.
4. In psychoanalysis, the process whereby the libido of the growing individual directs its energies away from oneself and toward other individuals and objects as when acting out.
A cell or organism having two or more sets of chromosomes derived from parents of different species or genera.
A condition in which there are two or more chromosome sets derived from two different species or genera
allopsyche (s) (noun)
Having the soul or mind of another person.
allopsychic (adjective)
Related to, or referring to, the mental processes and their relationships to the outside world or the external environment: "Rosetta made allopsychic adjustments regarding her new roommate at the university."
A mental disease that is characterized by abnormal perceptions or losing touch with reality: "Leo's allopsychosis resulted in his having strange illusions and hallucinations, but he still had normal motor functions; such as, speech."
Having opposed root and shoot poles.