allo-, all-
(Greek: different, other, another; divergence; a combining form denoting a condition differing from the normal or a reversal, or referring to "another")
The replacement of lost or damaged bodily tissue with an allograft or surgical substitute of a body part from one individual to a different person: An allotransplantation includes cornea (transparent front of the eye), cartilage (rubber-like padding that covers and protects the ends of long bones at the joints), bone, arteries (vessels that carry blood away from the heart), and cadaver (dead-body) epidermis that is stored in a skin-tissue bank.
Allotransplantation involves the moving of a part from one individual into another one which are usually not related to each other.
A substance that exists and is metastable in two or more physical forms over a given temperature range: Allotropes have different chemical and physical properties; for example, graphite and diamond are allotropes of carbon.
1. Changed or modified in nutritive power by the process of digestion.
2. Rendered non-nutritious by the process of digestion.
3. Plants that are dependent upon other organisms for nutrition; heterotrophic; said of plants unable to perform photosynthesis, as all saprophytes; the opposite of autotrophic.
2. Rendered non-nutritious by the process of digestion.
3. Plants that are dependent upon other organisms for nutrition; heterotrophic; said of plants unable to perform photosynthesis, as all saprophytes; the opposite of autotrophic.
allotrophic (adjective)
1. A reference to obtaining nourishment from another organism or organisms.
2. Having an altered nutritive value so as to become less nutritious.
3. Referring to the influx of nutrients into a body of water or ecosystem from outside.
2. Having an altered nutritive value so as to become less nutritious.
3. Referring to the influx of nutrients into a body of water or ecosystem from outside.
A lake receiving organic materials by drainage from the surrounding land.
1. Referring to the mutual attraction of cells, especially gametes.
2. The condition of a flower having a plentiful supply of readily available nectar.
3. The existence of the same population or species in different habitats.
4. In psychiatry, characterizing a person who is preoccupied with what "other people" think, mean, or do.
2. The condition of a flower having a plentiful supply of readily available nectar.
3. The existence of the same population or species in different habitats.
4. In psychiatry, characterizing a person who is preoccupied with what "other people" think, mean, or do.
The existence of certain elements, in various forms differing in physical properties; such as, carbon black, graphite, and diamond are all pure carbon.
1. The property, found in certain substances; such as, carbon and phosphorus, existing in various different forms that have distinct physical properties.
2. A reference to unspecialized insect species that are able to feed on a variety of flowers.
2. A reference to unspecialized insect species that are able to feed on a variety of flowers.
The existence of a solid substance in different physical forms: Tin has metallic and non-metallic crystalline forms while carbon has two crystalline allotropies: diamond and graphite.
1. Of, or relating to, the presence of a foreign agent.
2. Caused by a strange, or foreign, material.
2. Caused by a strange, or foreign, material.
1. Any of the genetic variants of a plasma protein or other molecule occurring among members of a single species.
2. Any one of the genetic variants of protein that occur in a single species.
2. Any one of the genetic variants of protein that occur in a single species.
The serum from a person with one form of allotype could be antigenic to another person.
Genetic variation occurring in plasma proteins and other molecules among members of the same species.
Two or more species of parasites occurring on different host species.
The presence of excess purine bases in the blood and associated signs of toxicity.
The excretion of purine bases in the urine.