allo-, all-

(Greek: different, other, another; divergence; a combining form denoting a condition differing from the normal or a reversal, or referring to "another")

1. Passive or involuntary movement; drifting.
2. The involuntary copying in one limb of a voluntary movement in the opposite limb.
1. Moving passively; drifting, as plankton.
2. Pertaining to passive or reflex movement.
1. A speech defect that results from a disorder of the speech center.
2. Any speech defect, especially one caused by a cerebral disorder.
3. A type of dysphasia in which words are spoken unintentionally or inappropriate words are substituted for appro0priate ones.
A behavior pattern in which an animal applies some scent-marking substance to another of its own species.
allomeric function
The co-ordinated activity of the lower brain stem and spinal cord when considered as a single functioning unit.
Substances with a different chemical composition but the same crystalline form.
A reference to organisms which differ in the number of the parts of any organ from that which is customary in the group to which they belong.
allometric growth
1. Differing in growth rate.
2. The growth of different parts of the body of an organism at different rates or at different times.

In humans, for example, brain growth stops at about the age of five years, while other parts of the body continue to develop.

1. The study of relative growth.
2. A change of proportions with an increase of size.
3. Growth rate of a part differing from a standard growth rate or from the growth rate of the whole.
4. Variations in the relative size of a part, either in the course of an organism's growth or within a series of related organisms, or the measurement and study of such variations.
Cross fertilization.
1. A chemical substance produced and released by one species in order to communicate with another species.
2. A chemical produced by an organism which induces in a member of another species a behavioral or physiological reaction favorable to the emitter; may be mutualistic or antagonistic.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "another, other, different, alternating, varied, changing": ali-; alter-; allelo-; hetero-; mut-; poikilo-; reciproc-; vari-.