fac-, facil-, fact-, feas-, -feat, -fect, -feit, -facient, -faction, -fic-, -fy, -ficate, -fication
(Latin: to make, to do, to build, to cause, to produce; forming, shaping)
diversifiable (adjective), more diversifiable, most diversifiable
Inclined to be varied, expanded, or spread out: The diversifiable risks were explained to the prospective buyer, including the fact that such risks do not necessarily involve any further anticipated return.
diversify (verb), diversifies; diversified; diversifying
1. To distribute (investments) among different companies or securities in order to limit losses in the event of a fall in a particular market or industry.
2. To become more varied or to make something more varied.
3. To expand into new areas of business, or to expand a commercial organization into new areas of manufactured products, crops, etc.
2. To become more varied or to make something more varied.
3. To expand into new areas of business, or to expand a commercial organization into new areas of manufactured products, crops, etc.
dolorific (adjective), more dolorific, most dolorific
Relating to or causing pain or grief: The plane crash brought on dolorific anxiety, worry, and tension among the relatives waiting for their families to arrived at the airport.
Bringing about sleep or aiding in attaining sleep; a dormifacient agent.
Instruction or enlightenment, especially when it is morally or spiritually uplifting: There are some TV programs that provide intellectual learning and edification for those listeners who pay attention.

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1. A building, especially one of imposing appearance or size.
2. An elaborate conceptual structure or concept on which to build a theory or process.
3. Any large, complex system, or organization.
4. A system which has been established for a long time: "It looks as if the whole political edifice of our country is about to collapse."
2. An elaborate conceptual structure or concept on which to build a theory or process.
3. Any large, complex system, or organization.
4. A system which has been established for a long time: "It looks as if the whole political edifice of our country is about to collapse."
Someone who strives to inform or to enlighten others intellectually or spiritually.
edify (verb), edifies; edified; edifying
1. To instruct especially so as to encourage intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement.
2. To improve someone's mind.
2. To improve someone's mind.
effect (i FEKT)
1. A result, a change; usually a noun; consequence, outcome, development, aftermath, aftereffect, outgrowth, sequel: "The farmers felt the effect of the drought for several years."
2. Actuality, fact, reality, truth; significance, meaning, gist, general idea; implication, essence, drift, tenor: "In effect, her insult meant the end of our friendship."
3. Influence, power, force, effectiveness, efficacy, impact, impression, weight, validity: "The plea for clemency had no effect on the judge."
4. Personal property, possessions, things, goods, movables, furniture, trappintgs; personal estate, commodities, holdings, assets, chattels: "Before they moved, the family had to sell as many of their effects as possible."
5. As a verb; to produce, to accomoplish, to bring about, to make, to cause, to achieve, to carry out, to execute, to perform, to create, to realize, to attain: "The new hairdo effected a startling change in her appearance."
2. Actuality, fact, reality, truth; significance, meaning, gist, general idea; implication, essence, drift, tenor: "In effect, her insult meant the end of our friendship."
3. Influence, power, force, effectiveness, efficacy, impact, impression, weight, validity: "The plea for clemency had no effect on the judge."
4. Personal property, possessions, things, goods, movables, furniture, trappintgs; personal estate, commodities, holdings, assets, chattels: "Before they moved, the family had to sell as many of their effects as possible."
5. As a verb; to produce, to accomoplish, to bring about, to make, to cause, to achieve, to carry out, to execute, to perform, to create, to realize, to attain: "The new hairdo effected a startling change in her appearance."
Usage note: When you affect anything, you have an effect on it. As a verb, affect means to influence; as a noun, effect means the same thing. The big difference comes when you use effect as a verb because its meaning then becomes accomplish or execute: "The little boy’s tears affected her deeply and they effected the desired result, because she forgave him."