fac-, facil-, fact-, feas-, -feat, -fect, -feit, -facient, -faction, -fic-, -fy, -ficate, -fication
(Latin: to make, to do, to build, to cause, to produce; forming, shaping)
Ab officio et beneficio (Latin phrase)
Translation: "From official (duties) and benefits."
A suspension from a job and the remunerations or pay which come with it.
A device or a drug that causes the death of an unborn young before birth: The new abortifacient which the physician used to destroy the fetus was recommended by a medical specialist.
Several experimental abortifacients have been tested by certain laboratories.
1. That which causes or takes something in by sucking it up and incorporating it into something: The new sponge is a great absorbefacient to use when cleaning the windows.
2. An agent that causes the soaking up or the taking in of liquids by solids: Adding the right kind of absorbefacient to the spill on the garage floor made it easier to clean up the mess.
2. An agent that causes the soaking up or the taking in of liquids by solids: Adding the right kind of absorbefacient to the spill on the garage floor made it easier to clean up the mess.
absorbifacient (adjective)
A reference to having the power, capacity, or tendency to soak up something: "There are absorbifacient elements that can take in liquids, energy, etc."
acoustoelectric effect, electroacoustic effect (s) (noun); acoustoelectric effects; electroacoustic effects (pl)
The generation of a DC voltage in a crystal or in a metallic material resulting from sound waves traveling along the surface of metals: The sound engineering students were experimenting with the development of the acoustoelectric effects by using the different external tops of iron or steel surfaces.
affect (verb), affects; affected; affecting
1. An attempt to assume or to show what is not natural or real; a false display; an artificial show: Fay's affectations included wearing fancy clothing, driving an expensive car, and always ordering very expensive meals at restaurants.
2. An unusual mannerism or behavior that is not natural: Fred Black had a peculiar affectation of constantly putting his hat on and taking it off again which made some people think that he had an uncontrollable desire or compulsion to do this.
3. A particular habit; such as, speech or dress that is adopted to give an impression that is not real or true: Andre's high-toned English accent was an affectation which he assumed when auditioning for a part in a new theater production.

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2. An unusual mannerism or behavior that is not natural: Fred Black had a peculiar affectation of constantly putting his hat on and taking it off again which made some people think that he had an uncontrollable desire or compulsion to do this.
3. A particular habit; such as, speech or dress that is adopted to give an impression that is not real or true: Andre's high-toned English accent was an affectation which he assumed when auditioning for a part in a new theater production.

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affected (adjective)
1. Influenced, impressed, or acted upon.
2. Behaving or speaking in a false way in order to make an impression.
2. Behaving or speaking in a false way in order to make an impression.
affectedly (adverb)
affectedness (s) (noun)
1. A situation in which a person is false or artificial in order to impress someone or other people.
2. A pretending to be a different kind of person or displaying an exaggerated behavior.
2. A pretending to be a different kind of person or displaying an exaggerated behavior.
1. An enthusiastic admirer or follower; a fan: Randall is an aficionado of classical music and so he knows a great deal about it and enjoys listening to it whenever he can.
2. Etymology: from Spanish aficionado, "amateur", specifically, "devotee of bullfighting"; literally, "fond of", from afición, "affection" from Latin affectionem.

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2. Etymology: from Spanish aficionado, "amateur", specifically, "devotee of bullfighting"; literally, "fond of", from afición, "affection" from Latin affectionem.

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A technique for infecting plant cells with DNA from a plant virus: Agroinfection uses the T-DNA portion of a Ti plasmid to infect plant cells.
An agent that has a cooling action; a refrigerant: Jack took some medicine called algifacient twice a day in order to sooth and allay the symptoms of his fever.