extra, extra-, extro-, extr-, exter-
(Latin: beyond, outside, on the outside, outward, external)
extraphysical (adjective), more extraphysical, most extraphysical
Concerning something which is not determined by physical laws or methods: Sharon is hoping for some extraphysical guidance that will help her choose which occupation she should accept when she graduates from her university.
extraplanetary (adjective), more extraplanetary, most extraplanetary
Descriptive of something that is existing or occurring in outer space beyond another planet: There are extraplanetary or celestial bodies, besides comets or satellites, that revolve around the sun in the solar system away from Earth.
extrapolate (ik STRAP uh layt") (noun), extrapolates; extrapolated; extrapolating
1. To calculate or to infer from what is known about something that is possible, but which is still unknown: Rex is still extrapolating to see if he qualifies for the job he hopes to have in the coming days.
2. To deduce or come to a conclusion something from known observations or experiences: Patricia's physician was able to extrapolate her physical condition from the answers she gave to him during the medical examination.
2. To deduce or come to a conclusion something from known observations or experiences: Patricia's physician was able to extrapolate her physical condition from the answers she gave to him during the medical examination.
A decision that is based on known data or facts.
Someone who uses known information as a starting point from which to draw inferences or conclusions about something that is unknown: If the committee of extrapolators utilize the data that has been confirmed, they can come up with a reasonable decision for investing their funds.
extraprofessional (adjective), more extraprofessional, most extraprofessional
Descriptive of being foreign to an occupation or outside the ordinary limits of a career interest or responsibility: Because there weren’t enough music teachers at the school, those who were extraprofessional or nonprofessional in music were asked to teach this subject in certain grades .
extrasensory (adjective), more extrasensory, most extrasensory
1. Referring to something that is beyond the normal function of a person's feelings or perceptions: Helen's more extrasensory ability to predict the future was amazingly accurate.
2. Concerning something that can be sensed without the need for hearing, seeing, touching, tasting, or smelling: Mark has an unusual extrasensory talent in perceiving things without the need to utilize his normal physical perceptions.
2. Concerning something that can be sensed without the need for hearing, seeing, touching, tasting, or smelling: Mark has an unusual extrasensory talent in perceiving things without the need to utilize his normal physical perceptions.
extrasolar (adjective) (not comparable)
Existing or occurring beyond the range of the Earth’s solar system: In October, 1995, Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz detected an extrasolar planet around the sequence star 51 Pegasi.
A premature contraction of the heart, resulting in a momentary cardiac arrhythmia: When someone experiences an extrasystole, he or she is having a heartbeat beyond the normal rhythm
which often occurs in normal individuals.
extraterrestrial (adjective), more extraterrestrial, most extraterrestrial
1. Referring to the existence, location, or occurrence outside the Earth or its atmosphere in outer space: Ted loved to read fictional books describing extraterrestrial life beyond the realms of the Milky Way.
2. A reference to an object originating from sources other than the Earth: One example is the extraterrestrial sun, which is a star providing energy and light to support life on this planet.

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2. A reference to an object originating from sources other than the Earth: One example is the extraterrestrial sun, which is a star providing energy and light to support life on this planet.

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The ideal amount of global horizontal radiation that a location on Earth would receive if there were no intervening atmosphere or clouds and used as the reference amount to which actual solar energy measurements are compared: Extraterrestrial radiation, known as “top-of-atmosphere” (TOA) and abbreviated as ETR, is a global radiation and is the sum of diffuse and direct radiation.
extraterritorial (adjective), more extraterritorial, most extraterritorial
1. Pertaining to a location outside a country's boundaries: In the story, James was caught fishing in extraterritorial waters which did not belong to the kingdom where he lived and so he was not allowed to go fishing there again!
2. Of or relating to people who are exempt from the legal jurisdiction of the country in which they reside: An ambassador, or someone from the embassy of one country, has extraterritorial rights that are free of the legal authority of the nation in which he or she lives.
2. Of or relating to people who are exempt from the legal jurisdiction of the country in which they reside: An ambassador, or someone from the embassy of one country, has extraterritorial rights that are free of the legal authority of the nation in which he or she lives.
Immunity from and not subject to local legal jurisdictions: As a foreign diplomat, Mrs. Hudson was granted extraterritoriality, and so she was exempt from the laws of the nation where she was recently assigned to serve as an ambassador.
1. Excessive or wasteful spending of money: Mark warned his wife that the extravagance of her shopping could result in a shortage of funds for the things that they really needed.
2. Something that is expensive or wasteful: An expensive car can be an extravagance in today's economic conditions.
3. An exaggerated, excessive, or extremely flamboyant nature of something: Mildred's cousin had a wild extravagance and unreasonableness in her speech and behavior.
2. Something that is expensive or wasteful: An expensive car can be an extravagance in today's economic conditions.
3. An exaggerated, excessive, or extremely flamboyant nature of something: Mildred's cousin had a wild extravagance and unreasonableness in her speech and behavior.
extravagant (adjective), more extravagant, most extravagant
1. Characterized by lavish or free-handed spending: Harry's extravagant marketing resulted in bankruptcy for his company.
2. Unreasonably high in price or cost: When reviewing the wasted battle ground, the general stated that this was another example of the most extravagant war he had ever experienced.
3. Denoting something which is beyond being reasonable or that which is overstated or irrational: Henry made extravagant promises in an effort to win his bid for mayor of the city.
4. Etymology: from Medieval Latin (Latin as written and spoken about 700 to about 1500) extravagantem, originally a word in Canon Law for "uncodified papal decrees", from extravagari, "wander outside or beyond"; from Latin, extra, "outside of" + vagari, "to wander, to roam".
2. Unreasonably high in price or cost: When reviewing the wasted battle ground, the general stated that this was another example of the most extravagant war he had ever experienced.
3. Denoting something which is beyond being reasonable or that which is overstated or irrational: Henry made extravagant promises in an effort to win his bid for mayor of the city.
4. Etymology: from Medieval Latin (Latin as written and spoken about 700 to about 1500) extravagantem, originally a word in Canon Law for "uncodified papal decrees", from extravagari, "wander outside or beyond"; from Latin, extra, "outside of" + vagari, "to wander, to roam".