extra, extra-, extro-, extr-, exter-
(Latin: beyond, outside, on the outside, outward, external)
extraessential (adjective), more extraessential, most extraessential
A reference to something that is beyond what is needed: Robert was so enthusiastic about writing on his favorite subject for his teacher that his text turned out to be quite extraessential, including many more pages and much more information than the teacher had assigned.
extrafamilial (adjective) (not comparable)
Outside or beyond a family or its control: Although Greg was in debt, he was embarrassed to ask his immediate relatives for assistance so he turned to his extrafamilial resources of friends for assistance.
extrafloral (adjective), more extrafloral, most extrafloral
A reference to that which is beyond the essential parts of flowers and that are situated outside the blossoms and not in them: Some plants have extrafloral elements called nectaries, parts that secrete nectar, a sweet liquid that attracts bees and other insects so they pollinate the vegetation.
extragalactic (adjective), more extragalactic, most extragalactic
In astronomy, concerning the existence or occurrence of objects outside the large group of stars and planets that the Earth and the sun are part of: Since instruments for outer space have been improved over time, distant extragalactic matter can be observed and examined in greater detail.
extra-governmental, extragovernmental (adjective); more extra-governmental, most extra-governmental;, more extragovernmental, most extragovernmental
Pertaining to being outside the limitations of the judicial and regulatory bodies of a country’s authority: A ruling power is considered to be extra-governmental when it goes beyond the boundaries drawn around its power by a written constitution and operating in sharp contrast to the way it was designed to function.
extrajudicial (adjective), more extrajudicial, most extrajudicial
Beyond the normal course of legal proceedings: The extrajudicial decision by the judge was considered to be legally unwarranted by Ted's defending lawyer.
extrajudicially (adverb), more extrajudicially, most extrajudicially
Descriptive of how something is done without being legally warranted or upheld by the law: In an out-of-court interview, the witness stated extrajudicially that he wasn’t completely sure of the identity of the culprit.
extramarital (adjective), more extramarital, most extramarital
Referring to a romantic relationship with another person other than one’s wife or husband: Rebecca was told by a friend that her husband was having an extramarital affair with the woman next door!
extramundane (adjective), more extramundane, most extramundane
Relating to that which is occurring or existing outside and beyond our physical world: The book Grace was reading involved an extramundane visitor from Mars who was visiting Earth to see if he could survive there any better than on his planet.

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extramural (adjective), more extramural, most extramural
1. A reference to something that is located beyond the boundaries of a town, a learning institution (college, university, etc.), or other organization: Susan and the other students were doing some extramural research about biological ecology.
2. Pertaining to anything that is additional to one's work or course of study and normally not connected with it: Jim and Mark were active in extramural sports while they were attending the university.
2. Pertaining to anything that is additional to one's work or course of study and normally not connected with it: Jim and Mark were active in extramural sports while they were attending the university.
extraneous (adjective), more extraneous, most extraneous
1. Referring to something coming in from the outside: During the soloist’s recital, the audience could hear the extraneous sounds from the church bells down the street!
2. Descriptive of something which is not important or relevant: Mr. Jackson explained to his student, Judy, that there were too many extraneous sentences in her essay which were not related to the topic she had chosen to write about.
3. Etymology: from Latin extraneus, "external, strange"; literally "that which is without" or "outside".

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2. Descriptive of something which is not important or relevant: Mr. Jackson explained to his student, Judy, that there were too many extraneous sentences in her essay which were not related to the topic she had chosen to write about.
3. Etymology: from Latin extraneus, "external, strange"; literally "that which is without" or "outside".

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extraneously (adverb), more extraneously, most extraneously
1. Concerning how something is approaching, advancing, or coming from the outside: Obviously foreign particles got into the milk extraneously because they weren’t there when the container was opened!
2. Pertaining to how something is done in an irrelevant, unimportant way: The speaker evidently was looking for his notes and was extraneously speaking in the meantime, without saying anything regarding the subject he actually wanted to talk about!
2. Pertaining to how something is done in an irrelevant, unimportant way: The speaker evidently was looking for his notes and was extraneously speaking in the meantime, without saying anything regarding the subject he actually wanted to talk about!
A collector of strange facts: Toby’s father was known to be an extranophilist who loved to read unusual true stories because he was very interested in bizarre, peculiar, and unheard-of occurrences.
extraordinarily (adverb), more extraordinarily, most extraordinarily
Characterizing how something is done in an unusual, unique, impressive, or surprising way: For a shy person, the speech that Dr. Miles gave at the convocation was extraordinarily long and filled with amusing anecdotes and stories about her years of doing research in the Canadian Arctic.
extraordinary (adjective), more extraordinary, most extraordinary
Descriptive of or characterized by being exceptional, remarkable, over the top, or amazing; The extraordinary circumstances of the first meeting of Jim's parents was the kind of experience you only expect to read about in romantic novels.