
(Greek: good, well, normal; happy, pleasing; used as a prefix)

1. A quiet, painless death.
2. The deliberate ending of life in individuals with an incurable and painful disease.

Ethical considerations are still being actively debated. One difficulty is determining the criteria by which the physician, or society, determines that the time has come to end the patient's life.

1. The study of the improvement of human functioning and well-being by improvement of living conditions.
2. The study of ways of enhancing people's environments and living standards in order to improve their health and well-being.
At an optimal temperature.
1. Normality or a state of psychological normality.
2. A normal non-depressed, reasonably positive mood. It is distinguished from euphoria, which refers to a high degree of happiness, and dysthymia, which refers to a mood of depression.
3. Used in ancient philosophy by Democritus as one of the root aspects of human life's goal as a necessary part of human-world view.
4. A state of mental tranquility and well-being; neither depressed nor manic.
5. Joyfulness; mental peace and tranquility; cheerfulness.
eutocia (s) (noun), eutocias (pl)
The process of a natural or easy childbirth; Lynn was so happy that labor and the delivery of her children went without complications and she found out that the term for this was eutocia!
Referring to an aquatic plants typical of water bodies with high nutrient concentrations.

—The only source found for this word is the
The Cambridge Illustrated Dictionary of Natural History;
Cambridge University Press; New York; 1987; page 142.
eutrophia (s), eutrophias (pl) (nouns)
1. A normal condition of nutrition and health, with regular development of the total organism.
3. In ecology, with reference to lakes or ponds, characterized by an abundant accumulation of nutrients that support a dense growth of algae and other organisms, the decay of which depletes the shallow waters of oxygen in summer: "Eutrophic waters (lakes or ponds) are rich in mineral and organic nutrients which promote a proliferation of plant life; especially, algae, that reduces the dissolved oxygen content and often causes the extinction of other organisms."
eutrophy (s), eutrophies (pl) (nouns)
1. In medicine, healthy or adequate nutrition or development; being well nourished.
2. With reference to lakes and ponds, a state of being over-rich in organic and mineral nutrients which promote plant life at the expense of animal life.
3. A process of becoming eutrophic, especially because of pollution.

Related good-word units: agatho-, bene-, bon-.

Word groups which are antonyms of this unit: caco-, dys-, mal-, mis-.