epi-, ep-

(Greek: above, over, on, upon; besides; in addition to; toward; among)

1. Passing several stages of growth in the same form, especially of segmented insects.
2. Regeneration of a part of an organism by extensive cell proliferation and differentiation at the cut surface.
epimysial (adjective), more epimysial, most epimysial
Pertaining to the sheath of connective tissue that covers a muscle.
epimysium (s) (noun), epimysia (pl)
The outermost sheath of connective tissue that surrounds each skeletal muscle that provides movement of the skeleton, as when walking and lifting: "The epimysia consist of reticular (netlike) and elastic fibers, connective tissue cells, and fat cells."
The moral of the story.

A reference to fables as a brief fictional narrative with a generalized moral lesson.

epinasty, epinastic
1. That phase of vegetable growth in which an organ grows more rapidly on its upper than on its under surface.
2. A downward bending of leaves or other plant parts, resulting from excessive growth of the upper side.

In plant physiology, the state in which more vigorous growth occurs in the upper surface of an organ, such as in an unfolding leaf, causing a downward curvature.

epinekton (s) (noun), epinektons (pl)
An organisms attached to actively swimming (nektonic) forms: Epinektons adhere to animals in a body of water, but are themselves incapable of independent movement against water currents.
The surgical removal of one or more adrenal glands.

The adrenal glands are part of the endocrine system and are located just above the kidneys.

1. A hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla that stimulates hepatic glycogenolysis, causing an elevation in the blood sugar, vasodilation of blood vessels of the skeletal muscles, vasoconstriction of the arterioles of the skin and mucous membranes, relaxation of bronchiolar smooth muscles, and stimulation of heart action.

Used in local anesthetics for its vasoconstrictive action to prolong the anesthesia action, provide hemostasis, and reduce systemic complications.

2. A white to brownish crystalline compound isolated from the adrenal glands of certain mammals or synthesized and used in medicine as a heart stimulant, vasoconstrictor, and bronchial relaxant.
3. Also called adrenalin, a secretion of the adrenal glands (along with norepinephrine) that helps the liver release glucose and limits the release of insulin.

Norepinephrine is both a hormone and a neurotransmitter, a substance that transmits nerve signals.

A lipomatoid tumor of the kidney.

Lipomatoid means, resembling a lipoma (fat cancer), frequently referring to the accumulations of adipose tissue (connective fat tissue) which is not thought to be neoplastic (a tumor or an abnormal growth of tissue).

epineuston, epineustonic
Organisms living in the air on the surface film of a body of water.
An advantage by being ill; applies to secondary gratification received through neurotic illness.
By night; nightly.
An old medical term that refers to the eruption that affects the skin on the arms, hands, and thighs only at night.
Situated on or above the ear.

Related "above, over, beyond the normal, excessive" word units: hyper-; super-, supra-, sur; ultra-, ult-.