epi-, ep-
(Greek: above, over, on, upon; besides; in addition to; toward; among)
anepigraphous (adjective), more anepigraphous, most anepigraphous
A reference to being without an inscription or having no written records.
cotyledon, cotyledonary, cotyledonal
1. The first leaf or leaves in the embryo of flowering plants and other seed plants.
2. One of the first leaves to appear after germination (there may be one, two, or more); the foliar portion of the embryo as found in the seed.
2. One of the first leaves to appear after germination (there may be one, two, or more); the foliar portion of the embryo as found in the seed.
ephemeral (adjective), more ephemeral, most ephemeral
1. Descriptive of something which lasts for only a short period of time and leaves no permanent trace; short-lived; transitory: Charles was chosen as the top salesperson that morning, however this ephemeral honor ended because his supervisor realized that Rena had exceeded his sales record.
2. Characterising a form of life which last only for 24 hours, as certain plants or insects do: There are ephemeral organisms that grow, reproduce, and die within a few hours or a day.
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2. Characterising a form of life which last only for 24 hours, as certain plants or insects do: There are ephemeral organisms that grow, reproduce, and die within a few hours or a day.
Elisha put flowers from her garden into a vase and they were an ephemeral bouquet because she forgot to put water into the container as a result of being distracted by an unexpected visitor.
3. Etymology: Ephemeral, now used fairly loosely for "transitory", originally meant specifically "lasting only one day". It comes from Greek ephemeros, a compound word formed from the prefix epi-, "on" and hemera, "day".

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Upper segment of a zygote or embryo, ultimately giving rise to the shoot.
The part of a heterobasidium which bears sterigmata and is separated by a septum from the hypobasidium.
epibenthic (adjective) (not comparable)
The community of organisms living at the surface of the seabed or lake floor: Epibenthic crustaceans have predators, including the fringefin trivially.
1. The community of organisms living at the surface of the seabed or lake floor: Jane was very interested in epibenthos, the creatures that like to craw about on top the sediments, like a sea cucumber or a sea snail.
2. Fauna and flora of the bottom of the sea; Epibenthos grow between the low-water mark and the mesobenthos and down to a hundred-fathom line or the 200-meter line.
2. Fauna and flora of the bottom of the sea; Epibenthos grow between the low-water mark and the mesobenthos and down to a hundred-fathom line or the 200-meter line.
1. Living attached to another organism.
2. Surviving, applied to endemic species that are relics of a former flora or fauna; growing on the exterior of living organisms; living on a surface, as of the sea bottom.
2. Surviving, applied to endemic species that are relics of a former flora or fauna; growing on the exterior of living organisms; living on a surface, as of the sea bottom.
An antonym is hypobiotic.
Living attached to another organism without any connotation of mutualism.
Urchins and grazing fishes feed on epibionts of reefs and often scrape off bits of calcium carbonate; resulting in bioerosion.
Either the condition of those organisms that live on the surface of another organism or those benthic organisms that live on the surface of bottom mud.
Living attached to another organism; such as, fungus.
The outer layer of a gastrula in the embryo of some grasses, a small structure opposite the scutellum, thought to be a rudimentary cotyledon.
epic (adjective); more epic, most epic
1. Relating to a significant literary composition: As a student, Karen wrote an epic poem for her English class.
2. Surpassing the usual or ordinary, particularly in scope or size: A musical performance of immense length requires an epic musical knowledge to understand it.
3. Heroic and impressive in quality or achievement: The university football game was an epic battle between two great teams.

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2. Surpassing the usual or ordinary, particularly in scope or size: A musical performance of immense length requires an epic musical knowledge to understand it.
3. Heroic and impressive in quality or achievement: The university football game was an epic battle between two great teams.

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Related "above, over, beyond the normal, excessive" word units: hyper-; super-, supra-, sur; ultra-, ult-.