(Latin: adjective suffix signifying action or being; performing a particular acion)
1. A restraint that makes people decide not to take a certain action when they realize that something unpleasant would happen to them.
2. Using military strength as a way to defend a country or to retaliate strongly enough to prevent an enemy from attacking.
2. Using military strength as a way to defend a country or to retaliate strongly enough to prevent an enemy from attacking.
diffident (adjective), more diffident, most diffident
1. Pertaining to a lack of confidence or not feeling comfortable around certain people: When Jason is called on to answer a question that Mrs. Savage, the teacher, is asking him during class, he usually has a diffident way of expressing himself even when he is certain that he is correct.
2. A reference to being very careful about acting or speaking: As Mrs. Hoover, the reporter, asked the politician, Mrs. Traviss, if she would be running for a third term, she made a diffident response because she didn't want to say anything that could be interpreted as being slanderous about her opponent.

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2. A reference to being very careful about acting or speaking: As Mrs. Hoover, the reporter, asked the politician, Mrs. Traviss, if she would be running for a third term, she made a diffident response because she didn't want to say anything that could be interpreted as being slanderous about her opponent.

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1. Tending to flow off or away.
2. Easily dissolving.
3. Flowing away on all sides; not fixed.
2. Easily dissolving.
3. Flowing away on all sides; not fixed.
diligent (adjective), more diligent, most diligent
Characterized by care and perseverance in carrying out tasks; especially, in detail or exactness: Monroe was diligent in writing his short stories with literary accuracy and interesting characters.
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Josh was a diligent worker and so his supervisor felt that he deserved a pay increase.

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disorient (verb), disorients; disoriented; disorienting
To cause someone to be lost or confused: Thick fogs often disorient drivers of vehicles resulting in many serous accidents.

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dissent (verb), dissents; dissented; dissenting
To differ in beliefs, feelings, or opinions about something: Martin was told that if his parents dissent, he won't be able to go on the trip.
Sleeping, dormant.
ebullient (adjective), more ebullient, most ebullient
1. Referring to a substance or liquid which boils or boils out: Tom suddenly noticed that the milk on the stove was quite ebullient and flowing over, so her immediately took it away and turned off the stove.
2. Descriptive of a person or an animal that overflows with enthusiasm, high spirits, etc.; zestful exuberance: Becky was such an ebullient girl because she was so vivacious, effusive, and buoyant and enjoyed her friends so much!
3. Etymology: from Latin ebullire, "to bubble up"; from e-, "out of, from" + bullire, "to bubble, to boil."

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2. Descriptive of a person or an animal that overflows with enthusiasm, high spirits, etc.; zestful exuberance: Becky was such an ebullient girl because she was so vivacious, effusive, and buoyant and enjoyed her friends so much!
3. Etymology: from Latin ebullire, "to bubble up"; from e-, "out of, from" + bullire, "to bubble, to boil."

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1. A liquid or gas that flows out or flows away; for example, a stream that flows out of a larger stream, a lake, or another body of water.
2. Liquid waste matter that results from sewage treatment or industrial processing; especially, such waste liquid released into waterways: "The factory up the river has been accused of discharging effluents into the river."
2. Liquid waste matter that results from sewage treatment or industrial processing; especially, such waste liquid released into waterways: "The factory up the river has been accused of discharging effluents into the river."
effulgent (adjective), more effulgent, most effulgent
1. Diffusing a flood of light; shining; luminous; beaming; bright; splendid.
2. Radiant; brilliant; shining forth brilliantly; resplendent.
3. extreme brilliancy; a flood of light; great luster or brightness; splendor.
2. Radiant; brilliant; shining forth brilliantly; resplendent.
3. extreme brilliancy; a flood of light; great luster or brightness; splendor.
The substance used as a solvent in the process of separating materials by a process of washing: Jim and the miners were using an eluent to separate the gold dust from the sediment in the river.
emergent (adjective)
1. An agent that assuages or mollifies.
2. Trying to avoid anger and argument by using a calming manner.
3. Making less harsh or abrasive; mollifying.
4. An agent that softens or soothes the skin.
5. Softening or soothing, especially to the skin.
2. Trying to avoid anger and argument by using a calming manner.
3. Making less harsh or abrasive; mollifying.
4. An agent that softens or soothes the skin.
5. Softening or soothing, especially to the skin.
A drug or caustic that eats extraneous growths away.