(Latin: adjective suffix signifying action or being; performing a particular acion)
ambient (AM bee uhnt) (adjective), more ambient, most ambient
Referring to the immediately surrounding area or encircling region: James was suddenly inundated or engulfed in an ambient snow storm which had just started to fall all around him while he was walking home from school.
ambiloquent (adjective), more ambiloquent, most ambiloquent
1. A reference to a comment that is spoken with uncertainty or hesitation: The politician was criticized for his ambiloquent declarations and lack of saying exactly what he meant to communicate to his audience.
2. Etymology: from Latin ambiguus, "moving from side to side, of a doubtful nature", from ambigere, "to go about, wander, doubt"; from ambi-, "around, about, on both sides" + agere, "to drive, to move".
2. Etymology: from Latin ambiguus, "moving from side to side, of a doubtful nature", from ambigere, "to go about, wander, doubt"; from ambi-, "around, about, on both sides" + agere, "to drive, to move".
ambivalent (am BIV uh luhnt) (adjective), more ambivalent, most ambivalent
1. Pertaining to the coexistence in one person of contradictory emotions or attitudes; such as, love and hatred towards a person or thing: Mike has ambivalent feelings as to whether his new car is worth so much money.

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Mary had been ambivalent about getting married during her early years; now, since she is thirty, she is eager to accept Leslie's proposal of marriage.
2. Relating to the uncertainty as to what course to follow; conveying an indecision: The senator had an ambivalent feeling about which way he would vote on the new bill.
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ancient (adjective), more ancient, most ancient
1. Very old because of being on the earth long ago: The professor was doing some research in an ancient geographical area where he found some dinosaur bones.
2. Etymology: via French ancien from Latin anteanus; from ante, "before".
2. Etymology: via French ancien from Latin anteanus; from ante, "before".
1. Gently stimulating evacuation of the bowels; a laxative.
2. A purging medicine that stimulates evacuation of the bowels.
2. A purging medicine that stimulates evacuation of the bowels.
Used both as a noun; such as, "an aperient is a laxative"; and as an adjective; for example, "prunes are an aperient fruit".
From Latin aperiens meaning "to uncover, to open"; in this case, "to open the bowels".
apparent (adjective), more apparent, most apparent
1. Characteristic of something that is easy to understand or is easy to see or is obvious: "Rebecca's reason for changing jobs was readily apparent and easy to see because she was going to get a higher position and a significant increase in salary."
2. Pertaining to something that seems to be true but possibly is not true: "Jim's father died of an apparent heart attack."
2. Pertaining to something that seems to be true but possibly is not true: "Jim's father died of an apparent heart attack."
"The apparent cause of the series of auto accidents was the icy road."
3. Etymology: from Old French apareir which came from Latin apparere, formed from the prefix ad-, "to, toward" + parere, "show, become visible" + the suffix -ent.
appetent (adjective), more appetent, most appetent
A reference to an instinctive inclination or natural tendency for something; eagerly desirous.
ardent (adjective), more ardent, most ardent
1. Expressing or characterized by warmth of feeling; passionate: Jake has an ardent desire to help homeless people find a safe place to sleep and to have food.
2. Displaying or characterized by strong enthusiasm or devotion; fervent: Fay is an ardent and dedicated believer in her religion.

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2. Displaying or characterized by strong enthusiasm or devotion; fervent: Fay is an ardent and dedicated believer in her religion.

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A white precious metallic element: The argent has the highest electrical and thermal conductivity of any metal and it exists in argentite and in free form.
Argent is used to make a variety of items; including, coins, jewelry, tableware (knives, spoons, and forks), and in the production of photographs.
ascendable, ascendible (adjective), more ascendable, more ascendible; most ascendable, most ascendible
1. Referring to something which can go up or move upward: The path leading into the mountain was ascendable because it had been used before by hikers who wanted to get to the top.
2. Pertaining to anything that is capable of rising from a lower level or station to a higher dimension: The bubbles Jane was creating were quite ascendable and, as a result, they were soaring up into the trees!
2. Pertaining to anything that is capable of rising from a lower level or station to a higher dimension: The bubbles Jane was creating were quite ascendable and, as a result, they were soaring up into the trees!
assurgent (adjective), more assurgent, most assurgent
1. Concerning something that is ascending or rising: Little Mary let go of her balloon that definitely had an assurgent intent to soar up into the sky.
2. In botany, regarding a plant that curves or extends upward: The assurgent sunflowers always moved upward in the direction of the sun.
2. In botany, regarding a plant that curves or extends upward: The assurgent sunflowers always moved upward in the direction of the sun.
audient (adjective), more audient, most audient
A reference to a person who hears, listens and pays attention: Lisa seemed to be very audient when Mrs. Good was explaining the assignment the students were to do that day.

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We have two ears and only one tongue so that we may hear more and speak less.
breviloquent (adjective)
Given to concise, or brief, speaking.
cadent (adjective), more cadent, most cadent
Characterized by a repeated rhythmical sound: The musical piece being performed at the Band Shell in the park was modern and had interesting cadent sounds.