dia-, di-

(Greek: through, thoroughly; across; entirely, utterly)

1. A person who diagnoses, especially a physician specializing in medical diagnostics.
2. An expert in making diagnoses; especially, a medical doctor.
3. Someone with special skills in identifying the cause or nature of a problem even in areas other than medical.
A guess of diagnosticians.
1. The art of identifying illnesses or disorders in patients through diagnosis or procedures for diagnosis; takes a singular verb.
2. That part of medicine which has to do with ascertaining the nature of diseases by means of their symptoms or signs.
diagonal (adjective) (not comparable)
Pertaining to a straight line or mark that extends at an angle, and not straight up and across: The geometry teacher, Mr. Tall, told his students to draw a diagonal line linking the opposite corners of the square pictured on their worksheets.

The jogging pants that Susan bought had bright red diagonal stripes.

1. A figure composed of lines, serving to illustrate a definition or statement, or to aid in the proof of a proposition.
2. An illustrative figure which, without representing the exact appearance of an object, gives an outline or general scheme of it, so as to exhibit the shape and relations of its various parts.
3. A simple, graphic depiction of an idea or object.
A graphic representation, in simplest form, of an object or concept, made up of lines and lacking pictorial elements.
1. A mechanical instrument used for producing scale copies of diagrams and maps.
2. A device for drawing, used in reproducing outlines, plans, etc.; mechanically on any desired scale.
diaheliotropism (s) (noun), diaheliotropisms (pl)
A tendency of leaves, or other organs, of plants to have their outer surface facing towards sunlight.
dialect (s) (noun), dialects (pl)
1. Manner of speaking, language, speech; especially a manner of speech peculiar to, or characteristic of, a particular person or class; phraseology, idiom.
2. One of the subordinate forms or varieties of a language arising from local peculiarities of vocabulary, pronunciation, and idiom.
3. Any form of speech considered a deviation from real or imaginary standard speech.

In relation to modern languages, usually specifically, a variety of speech differing from the standard or literary language; a provincial method of speech; such as, in speakers of dialect.

Also in a wider sense applied to a particular language in its relation to the family of languages to which it belongs.

1. The art of critical examination into the truth of an opinion; the investigation of truth by discussion: in earlier English use, a synonym of logic as applied to formal rhetorical reasoning; logical argumentation or disputation.
2. In modern Philosophy; specifically applied by Kant to the criticism which shows the mutually contradictory character of the principles of science, when they are employed to determine objects beyond the limits of experience (i.e. the soul, the world, God); by Hegel (who denies that such contradictions are ultimately irreconcilable) the term is applied:
  • To the process of thought by which such contradictions are seen to merge themselves in a higher truth that comprehends them.
  • To the world-process, which, being in his view but the thought-process on its objective side, develops similarly by a continuous unification of opposites.
1. The words spoken by characters in a book, movie, or play, or a section of a work that contains spoken words.
2. A formal discussion or negotiation; especially, between opposing sides in a political or international context.
3. Talk of any kind between two or more people.
4. A work of literature in the form of a conversation.