cura-, cur-
(Latin: care, heal, cure; care for, give attention to, to take care of)
Mihi cura futuri. (Latin motto)
Translation: "My concern is for the future."
Motto of Hunter College, USA.
Non ignara mali, miseris succurrere disco. (Latin proverb)
Translation: "No stranger to misfortune myself, I learn to relieve the sufferings of others."
One rationale for helping people in distress, from Virgil's Aeneid. With these words, Dido, Queen of Carthage, greeted Aeneas and his companions, who were in exile.
One whose business is the care and treatment of the feet; a chiropodist.

1. A condition of indifference or apathy.
2. Someone who does not care.
3. Etymology: from Italian, poco, "little" + curante, curare, "to care for"; from Latin curare, "to care".
2. Someone who does not care.
3. Etymology: from Italian, poco, "little" + curante, curare, "to care for"; from Latin curare, "to care".
pococurante (poh" koh kyoo RAHN tee, poh" koh kyoo RAHN tuh) (adjective), more pococurante, most pococurante
1. A reference to being indifferent, apathetic, and uninterested in what is happening or nonchalantly detached from a situation or an environment: Jake's brother was a pococurante guy who was easygoing and who showed very little interest in voting for any of the presidential candidates that were running for office.
2. Etymoloy: from Italian poco, "little" + curante, past participle form of Latin curare, "to care".

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2. Etymoloy: from Italian poco, "little" + curante, past participle form of Latin curare, "to care".

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
1. A careless or indifferent attitude or behavior.
2. Caring little; indifferent; nonchalant.
2. Caring little; indifferent; nonchalant.
1. Someone who is authorized to manage the affairs of another person; an agent: The wealthy woman's procurator was at the auction to bid on the valuable artwork on her behalf.
2. Etymology: from Latin procurator, "manager, agent, deputy, administrator" from procurare, "to manage"; from pro-, "in behalf of" + curare, "to care for."

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2. Etymology: from Latin procurator, "manager, agent, deputy, administrator" from procurare, "to manage"; from pro-, "in behalf of" + curare, "to care for."

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
Director of libraries.
1. A power of attorney document given by shareholders of a corporation authorizing a specific vote on their behalf at a corporate meeting.
2. The function or power of someone who is authorized to act as the deputy or substitute for another person.
3. Etymology: from about 1440, prokecye, "agency of one who acts instead of another"; contraction of Anglo-French procuracie, from Middle Latin procuratia, "administration"; from Latin procuratio, "care, management" from procurare, "to manage".
2. The function or power of someone who is authorized to act as the deputy or substitute for another person.
3. Etymology: from about 1440, prokecye, "agency of one who acts instead of another"; contraction of Anglo-French procuracie, from Middle Latin procuratia, "administration"; from Latin procuratio, "care, management" from procurare, "to manage".
proxy (adjective), more proxy, most proxy
Relating to something that is used in place of another thing: Jim arranged to have a proxy writer to compose contents for his website.
Sam's elderly mother arranged to have him be her proxy voter in the next city election.
proxy (verb), proxies; proxied; proxying
To function as a substitute for another person or thing: Jake went to the fitness studio where he was proxying as a trainer in place of the regular one who was ill.