cura-, cur-
(Latin: care, heal, cure; care for, give attention to, to take care of)
1. A woman, or anything regarded as feminine, who aids in healing people's ailments.
2. A female superintendent or guardian.
3. A woman who has been appointed to the office as a keeper or custodian of a museum or other collection.
2. A female superintendent or guardian.
3. A woman who has been appointed to the office as a keeper or custodian of a museum or other collection.
cure (verb), cures; cured; curing
cured (adjective), more cured, most cured
cureless (adjective), more cureless, most cureless
1. An unusual and small object that is considered to be interesting or attractive: Susan's sister is very interested in looking for curios in secondhand shops whenever she visits small towns.
2. Etymology: Curio is an abbreviation, or a shortened form, of curiosity from Latin curiosus, "full of care, taking pains"; from cura, "care".

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2. Etymology: Curio is an abbreviation, or a shortened form, of curiosity from Latin curiosus, "full of care, taking pains"; from cura, "care".

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curious (adjective), more curious, most curious
curiously (adverb), more curiously, most curiously
inaccurate (adjective), more inaccurate, most inaccurate
inaccurately (adverb), more inaccurately, most inaccurately
1. The condition in which a healing is impossible; irrecoverability: The patient suffered from an incurable and remediless disease.
2. Incapability of being altered, as in disposition or habits: The incurability of Ginnie's incorrigible weakness and foible of stopping at every bookstore to browse through the newest editions of her favorite author was not to be altered!
2. Incapability of being altered, as in disposition or habits: The incurability of Ginnie's incorrigible weakness and foible of stopping at every bookstore to browse through the newest editions of her favorite author was not to be altered!
incurable (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Impossible of a health issue being healed or remedied: After getting her health results back from the doctor, she was at a loss that she had an incurable affliction, but one she could live with nevertheless.
2. Indicating that a person has a certain quality or attitude that cannot be changed or altered: Over all the years Mary thought that her husband was an incurable romantic!
2. Indicating that a person has a certain quality or attitude that cannot be changed or altered: Over all the years Mary thought that her husband was an incurable romantic!