chromato-, chromat-, chromo-, chrom-, chro-, -chrome, -chromasia, -chromia, -chromatism, -chromatic, -chromatically, -chromy

(Greek: color)

chromatocracy (s) (noun), chromatocracies (pl)
A government of a nation by a single race: Chromatocracy can be explained as being a ruling class of a particular skin color, for example of white people, black people, or oriental people.
1. The graphic record produced by chromatography or the presentation of differential movements through a two-phase system.
2. The recording (column or paper strip) on which the constituents of a mixture are adsorbed in chromatography.
chromatography (s) (noun), chromatographies (pl)
1. A method of finding out which components a gaseous or liquid mixture contains that involves passing it through or over something that absorbs the different components at different rates: Chromatography involves the mixture of materials to be separated and percolated through a column or sheet of some suitable chosen absorbent; for example, an ion-exchange material; the substances least absorbed are least retarded and emerge the earliest; those more strongly absorbed emerge later.
2. The separation of chemical substances and particles; originally plant pigments and other highly colored compounds by differential movement through a two-phase system.
chromatophobia, chromophobia, chrematophobia (s) (noun) (no plural)
1. An abnormal antipathy of certain colors: Sometimes chromatophobia can be the result of a conditioned response to some bad experience one had toward a certain hue or shade of red, blue, green, yellow, etc., and can effect a psychological reaction.
2. Unsusceptibility or resistance to stains on the part of tissues and cells: Chromaphobia must be taken into consideration when trying to discolour, or dye fabric or even paper.
chromatophore, chromatophoric
1. A pigment-containing or pigment-producing cell, especially in certain lizards and aquatic species, that by expansion or contraction can change the color of their skins; for example, the octopi, squids, chameleons, and some frogs contain these cells. Also called pigment cell.
2. A specialized pigment-bearing organelle in certain photosynthetic bacteria and cyanobacteria.
An instrument used in chromatoscopy (testing of color vision) for testing color vision.
chromodynamics, quantum chromodynamics
1. A quantum field theory of elementary particles that states that the color properties of quarks (small particles of an atom) are bound together by gluons.
2. The physics of the relationship between color-carrying quarks, especially the nature of their strong interaction, which is characterized by the exchange of gluons.

Gluons are theoretical elementary particles without mass, thought to be involved in binding the subatomic particles of quarks together.

chromolithography (s) (noun)
The art or process of printing color pictures from a series of stone or zinc plates by lithography: Chromolithography includes all types of images that are printed or produced in colored forms.