(Latin: a suffix forming nouns from verbs of condition and action; an act or process: resumption, absorption; state or condition, redemption, exhaustion; something resulting from or otherwise related to an act or process, assumption, friction)
This unit is presenting a small fraction of the hundreds of words ending with the suffix of -tion; however, there is a significant number of words which may help everyone have a better understanding and appreciation of the use of this element.
1. A relationship in which a person, a thing, or an idea is associated with something else: The county plans to improve roads that serve as better connections between major highways.
2. The action of securing one thing with another one: Jane's school will be wiring all classrooms for a connection to the international computer network in order to get information from computers in other educational institutions, online dictionaries, and websites.
3. A situation in which two or more things have the same cause, origin, objective, etc.: Mike maintains that there is a connection between thinking and knowing what is going on.
2. The action of securing one thing with another one: Jane's school will be wiring all classrooms for a connection to the international computer network in order to get information from computers in other educational institutions, online dictionaries, and websites.
3. A situation in which two or more things have the same cause, origin, objective, etc.: Mike maintains that there is a connection between thinking and knowing what is going on.
Obligatory enrollment of citizens for a period of service, usually in the armed forces.
Junction; adaptation.
1. A formal system of principles consisting of people's duties and rights: A constitution is a declaration of the basic laws and truths of a state, nation, country, or of a group.
2. The physical composition of an individual or a thing: Evidently Catherine had a very strong constitution because she hardly ever got ill, even in her later years of life!
2. The physical composition of an individual or a thing: Evidently Catherine had a very strong constitution because she hardly ever got ill, even in her later years of life!
1. Tightness, a constricted part; a feeling of pressure.
2. Something that constricts or the process of becoming narrower, or of making something more narrow.
3. Anything that severely restricts someone's freedom of movement, action, or expression.
2. Something that constricts or the process of becoming narrower, or of making something more narrow.
3. Anything that severely restricts someone's freedom of movement, action, or expression.
1. Something that has been built; especially, a large structure such as a house, a road, or a bridge.
2. A structure that has been built or the way in which something has been put together; especially, with regards to the type and the quality of the structure, materials, and workmanship.
3. The creation of something; such as, a system or concept from a number of different parts.
4. A group of words governed by particular grammatical rules.
5. In psychology, a model devised on the basis of observation which is designed to relate what is observed to some theoretical framework; such as, an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances.
6. Etymology: from the late 14th century; from Old French construction or directly from Latin constructionem, constructio; from construct-, the past participle stem of construere, "to pile up together, to accumulate; to build, to make, to erect"; from com-, "together" + struere. "to pile up".
2. A structure that has been built or the way in which something has been put together; especially, with regards to the type and the quality of the structure, materials, and workmanship.
3. The creation of something; such as, a system or concept from a number of different parts.
4. A group of words governed by particular grammatical rules.
5. In psychology, a model devised on the basis of observation which is designed to relate what is observed to some theoretical framework; such as, an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances.
6. Etymology: from the late 14th century; from Old French construction or directly from Latin constructionem, constructio; from construct-, the past participle stem of construere, "to pile up together, to accumulate; to build, to make, to erect"; from com-, "together" + struere. "to pile up".
construction, destruction
construction (kuhn STRUK shuhn) (noun)
The product of the building or creating process, using building materials, words, etc.: The construction of the sentence consisted of both individual words and phrases.
The construction of the skyscraper started with much ceremony and many speeches.
destruction (di STRUK shuhn) (noun)
Ruin, the process or act of tearing something down, literally or figuratively: The whispered scandal of Lila's illness proved to be the destruction of her career.
The company had a contract authorizing the complete destruction of the old building, to make way for the new skyscraper.
English is an interesting language; for example, the word raise means the construction of something; however the word raze means the destruction of something.
1. The action or fact of consuming or destroying; destruction.
2. The dissipation of moisture by evaporation.
3. Wasting of the body by disease; a wasting disease; now applied specifically to pulmonary consumption or phthisis (wasting or gradual deterioration of the body).
4. Wasteful expenditure, waste.
5. The using up of material, the use of anything as food, or for the support of any process.
6. The destructive employment or utilization of the products of industry.
2. The dissipation of moisture by evaporation.
3. Wasting of the body by disease; a wasting disease; now applied specifically to pulmonary consumption or phthisis (wasting or gradual deterioration of the body).
4. Wasteful expenditure, waste.
5. The using up of material, the use of anything as food, or for the support of any process.
6. The destructive employment or utilization of the products of industry.
1. The act of disputing or being involved in a conflict or a quarrel:: The main contention the newly wedded couple had was that if they were to wait until they had enough money to pay the full cost of a car, they would be without one for a long time.
2. A statement or point that one argues for as being true or valid, even when it is not: The school principal’s assertion, or contention, that all of the students in his school were non-smokers was absolutely false!
3. Etymology: usage started in about 1382, from Old French contention, from Latin contentionem, from the stem of contendere, "to stretch out, to strive after", from com-, "together" + tendere, "to stretch".

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2. A statement or point that one argues for as being true or valid, even when it is not: The school principal’s assertion, or contention, that all of the students in his school were non-smokers was absolutely false!
3. Etymology: usage started in about 1382, from Old French contention, from Latin contentionem, from the stem of contendere, "to stretch out, to strive after", from com-, "together" + tendere, "to stretch".

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
1. A twisting of something, especially a part of the body, out of its natural shape.
2. The act of twisting or deforming the shape of something.
3. A bewilderingly complex maneuvering or manipulation of something.
4. A tortuous and twisted shape or position of someone or something.
2. The act of twisting or deforming the shape of something.
3. A bewilderingly complex maneuvering or manipulation of something.
4. A tortuous and twisted shape or position of someone or something.
1. An acrobat who is able to twist into unusual positions.
2. Anyone who bends his, or her, own body into unusual shapes; especially, for purposes of entertainment.
3. Someone who twists, or distorts, something; such as, a statement made by another person.
A circus acrobat who is wrapped up in himself or herself.
"A man or woman who leads a double life."
The use of artificial methods or other techniques to prevent pregnancy.
1. The action of speaking against or in opposition to an action, a proposal, etc.: During his talk in class, Tim's arguments for saving electricity was in complete contradiction to the daily use of desktop computers for all of the students in class.
2. The action of declaring that something is the opposite of what was indicated previously: There was a complete contradiction of what Michael's father said yesterday and then today; because, first he wanted to go on vacation with the whole family, but now he says that everyone will have to stay home because there isn't enough money for a trip!
3. A state or condition of opposition in things compared; a variance or an inconsistency: Susan became a vegetarian because she was against killing animals for human use, but the contradiction to this belief is that she wears shoes and a jacket made of leather!
4. A statement or phrase which is presented in terms that are the opposite of each other: Some examples of contradictions are "fair taxes, working vacation", and "true fiction".
2. The action of declaring that something is the opposite of what was indicated previously: There was a complete contradiction of what Michael's father said yesterday and then today; because, first he wanted to go on vacation with the whole family, but now he says that everyone will have to stay home because there isn't enough money for a trip!
3. A state or condition of opposition in things compared; a variance or an inconsistency: Susan became a vegetarian because she was against killing animals for human use, but the contradiction to this belief is that she wears shoes and a jacket made of leather!
4. A statement or phrase which is presented in terms that are the opposite of each other: Some examples of contradictions are "fair taxes, working vacation", and "true fiction".
A difference between two things, made by presenting their different qualities: There was obviously a definite contradistinction between the painting and the sculpture when they were shown together at the exhibition by the same creator.
1. Placing over against or in an opposite position: Christopher, the composer, wrote some music for the bassoon to be in contraposition to the part for the flute.
2. An opposition, a contrast, or antithesis: Attorney Younge's argument for the ongoing imprisonment of the youth was in contraposition to that of the judge in the court.
2. An opposition, a contrast, or antithesis: Attorney Younge's argument for the ongoing imprisonment of the youth was in contraposition to that of the judge in the court.