thermo-, therm-, thermi-, -thermia, -therm, -thermal, -thermic, -thermias, -thermies, -thermous, -thermy
(Greek: heat, heating, heater, hot, warm)
The term heat is employed in ordinary language in different senses. Some scientists distinguish four principal applications of the term:
- Sensation of heat.
- Temperature, or degree of hotness.
- Quantity of thermal energy.
- Radiant heat, or energy of radiation.
The use of thermography in the diagnosis of lesions of the breast.
1. An instrument for indicating the temperature (heat) of any substance; usually a sealed vacuum tube containing mercury, which expands with heat and contracts with cold, its level accordingly rising or falling in the tube, with the exact degree of variation of level being indicated by a scale.
2. A tool for measuring temperature; that is, an instrument with a graduated glass tube and a bulb containing mercury or alcohol that rises in the tube when the temperature increases or goes down in the tube when the temperature decreases; in other words, the liquid rises or falls as it expands or contracts according to changes in the temperature.
2. A tool for measuring temperature; that is, an instrument with a graduated glass tube and a bulb containing mercury or alcohol that rises in the tube when the temperature increases or goes down in the tube when the temperature decreases; in other words, the liquid rises or falls as it expands or contracts according to changes in the temperature.
1. Relating to thermometry or to a thermometer reading.
2. Involving or determined by temperature or temperature measurements.
2. Involving or determined by temperature or temperature measurements.
A collector of thermometers.
The science and technology of measuring temperature; as well as, the establishment of standards of temperature measurement.
Of or pertaining to the production of motion by heat; used specifically with reference to hot-air engines.
A motor that runs on heat.
thermonasty, thermonastic
1. A response to a non-directional heat stimulus.
2. In plant organs, the assumption of, or tendency to assume, certain positions because of one-sided pressure or growth due to heat.
3. A nastic movement caused by a change in temperature.
2. In plant organs, the assumption of, or tendency to assume, certain positions because of one-sided pressure or growth due to heat.
3. A nastic movement caused by a change in temperature.
One example includes the opening and closing of crocus flowers after an increase or decrease in temperature.
1. An elevation of the temperature of the body due to neurosis as seen sometimes in hysteria.
2. Pyrexia of vasomotor origin.
2. Pyrexia of vasomotor origin.
thermoneutral environment
1. An environment which keeps the body temperature at an maximum point at which the least amount of oxygen is consumed for metabolism.
2. The environment which enables a neonate (newly born child) to maintain a body temperature of 97.7° F (36.5° C) with a minimal requirement of oxygen and energy.
2. The environment which enables a neonate (newly born child) to maintain a body temperature of 97.7° F (36.5° C) with a minimal requirement of oxygen and energy.
Mentally or emotionally stimulated by heat.
1. A reference to nuclear reactions brought about by nuclear fusion (merger or blending); that is, the fusion of hydrogen to helium at temperatures of over 100,000,000° Centigrade.
2. Referring to any process in which a very high temperature is used to bring about the fusion of light nuclei, with the accompanying liberation of energy.
2. Referring to any process in which a very high temperature is used to bring about the fusion of light nuclei, with the accompanying liberation of energy.
This process is the source of energy of the sun and it is used in the explosion of thermonuclear weapons.
thermo-osmosis, thermo osmosis
The movement of liquid in a porous medium due to differences in temperature.
A clinical observation of the body temperature by feeling with the hands during a medical examination: When Dr. Smith shook hands with his patient, he noticed that her thermopalpation was very cold!
A reference to hot-water springs.

Related "heat, hot" word units: ferv-; pyreto-.
Related "bubble" word unit: ebulli-.