thermo-, therm-, thermi-, -thermia, -therm, -thermal, -thermic, -thermias, -thermies, -thermous, -thermy
(Greek: heat, heating, heater, hot, warm)
The term heat is employed in ordinary language in different senses. Some scientists distinguish four principal applications of the term:
- Sensation of heat.
- Temperature, or degree of hotness.
- Quantity of thermal energy.
- Radiant heat, or energy of radiation.
In analytical chemistry, a weighing scale modified to measure the weight changes of a material that is being heated.
1. In physics, an instrument for recording simultaneously the pressure and temperature of a gas; a combination of a thermograph and a barograph.
2. An instrument that simultaneously records variations in temperature as well as atmospheric pressure.
2. An instrument that simultaneously records variations in temperature as well as atmospheric pressure.
1. A barometric instrument graduated for giving altitudes as determined by the boiling point of water.
2. As applied by Belloni to a syphon-barometer having its two wide legs united by a narrow tube, so that it could be used either in its ordinary position as a barometer, or in the reversed position as a thermometer.
2. As applied by Belloni to a syphon-barometer having its two wide legs united by a narrow tube, so that it could be used either in its ordinary position as a barometer, or in the reversed position as a thermometer.
The study of the effects of heat on living organisms and biological processes.
Thriving at relatively high temperatures; such as, certain bacteria. Also known as thermophil or thermophilic.
Removal (excision) of tissues or an organ by thermocautery; that is, excision with a heated wire or cautery.
1. The use of an actual cautery; such as, an electrocautery (cauterization by means of a hot wire or point) to burn away tissue during a surgical procedure.
Cauterization is the destruction (burning) of tissue with a hot instrument, an electric current, or a caustic substance.
2. Any form of agent or an instrument (a needle or snare) used to destroy abnormal tissue by burning, searing, or scarring, including caustic substances, electric currents, lasers, and very hot or very cold instruments.
One who specializes in the use of chemical action and heat.
thermochemistry, thermochemical
1. The interrelation of chemical action and heat.
2. The aspect of physical chemistry dealing with heat changes that accompany chemical reactions and changes of state.
3. The study of chemical changes and energies as they are affected by heat.
4. The use of chemicals in treating or preventing disease; based on their effect on the causative agent.
5. A branch of chemistry studying the heat changes that accompany chemical reactions and changes of state.
2. The aspect of physical chemistry dealing with heat changes that accompany chemical reactions and changes of state.
3. The study of chemical changes and energies as they are affected by heat.
4. The use of chemicals in treating or preventing disease; based on their effect on the causative agent.
5. A branch of chemistry studying the heat changes that accompany chemical reactions and changes of state.
1. Exerting a selective action of heat rays.
2. Reflecting some of the heat rays and absorbing or transmitting others.
3. Having the property of differentially transmitting, absorbing, or changing radiant heat depending on wave length.
2. Reflecting some of the heat rays and absorbing or transmitting others.
3. Having the property of differentially transmitting, absorbing, or changing radiant heat depending on wave length.
1. The differential properties of heat radiation with respect to refraction, reflection, and absorption, depending on wave length.
2. The property of certain substances which differentially transmit, absorb, or change radiant heat depending on wave length.
2. The property of certain substances which differentially transmit, absorb, or change radiant heat depending on wave length.
Having the ability to change optical properties reversibly and persistently by the action of temperature.
thermochrose, thermochrosy
The property possessed by heat rays of reflection, refraction, and absorption, similar to that of light rays.
The selective action of certain substances on radiant heat, absorbing some of the rays, reflecting or transmitting others.
thermocleistogamy, thermocleistogamic
Self-pollination within flowers that fail to open because of unfavorable temperature conditions.

Related "heat, hot" word units: ferv-; pyreto-.
Related "bubble" word unit: ebulli-.