para-, par-

(Greek: by the side of, beside, past, beyond; contrary, wrong, irregular, abnormal)

Resembling or similar to a parasite.
An expert in parasitology.
The science or study of parasites and parasitism.
parasitophobia (s) (noun)
An irrational dread of parasites: The middle-aged Mrs. Thompson went to her family doctor yet again describing the symptoms of an infestation being under her skin or inside her body, but after being thoroughly examined, the doctor didn't find any such disorder and diagnosed her as having parasitophobia!
A parasite city; a city that is over-developed and economically non-productive.
Infection or infestation with parasites.
parasitotrope, parasitotropic
Having a special affinity for parasites.
parasitotropy, parasitotropism
The affinity of a drug for infective parasites.
parasomnia (s) (noun), parasomnias (pl)
1. Any kind of malfunction or disorder of sleep rhythm which is caused by a disease of the central nervous system: It was very dangerous for Grace to spend the night alone in her two-story house because when she had attacks of parasomnia, she would get up and walk around in her sleep!
2. Etymology: from Greek para, "irregular, abnormal" or "faulty" + Latin somnia, "sleep".
1. When one symbiont damages another. It is similar to parasitism.
2. The ability of two different types of organisms to exist closely with one another without giving an advantage or disadvantage to the other.
3. The relationship between a free-living lichen and another lichen or fungus which infests it and establishes a symbiotic relationship with the algae of the lichen.