carno-, carn-, carne-, carni-

(Latin: flesh, meat)

brychocarnivorous, brykocarnivorous (adjective), more brychocarnivorous, most brychocarnivorous
1. A reference to the eating of meat with a lot of noise and greed.
2. Descriptive of tearing and ripping meat into pieces while in the process of eating it: "Hyenas which primarily feed on flesh as scavengers are known to be brychocarnivorous consumers."
carnage (s) (noun), carnages (pl)
1. Widespread and indiscriminate slaughter or massacre: Wars cost a vast amount of savagery, carnage, and suffering, especially of human beings.

Carnage can also relate to the serious injury to a great multitude of people, as in a major accident.

The slaughter of a great number of people, such as in battle, or the butchery or massacre or a huge number of people, causes carnage with resulting corpses, gore, etc.
2. Etymology: from Old French carnage, from Old Italian carnaggio, "slaughter, murder"; from Medieval Latin carnaticum, "flesh, meat", from Latin carnem or carn-, "flesh".

carnal (adjective), more carnal, most carnal
1. A reference to the desires and appetites of the flesh or body; sensual: Rick's tomcat seemed to take off during the night and carry out its carnal urges.
2. Worldly or earthly as opposed to spiritual; temporal; Tom didn't go to church and wasn't religious in any way, and was actually only interested in the carnal world and what it had to offer.
carnality (s) (noun) (used only as a singular)
A condition in which a person is involved in the appetites and passions of the body; sensual; fleshly; and being the opposite of spirituality.
carnalize (verb), carnalizes; carnalized; carnalizing
To depict materialistically or physically: The aspects presented in the painting and sculptures in the museum were carnalized by the artists.
carnally (adverb), more carnally, most carnally
Referring to the flesh or to baser physical instincts, often referring to sexual desires.
carnation (s) (noun) , carnations (pl)
1. A flower with a pink or reddish-pink color similar to the color of the skin of many people.
2. Etymology: from old French, "flesh-colored"; from Old Italian carnagione, "skin, complexion"; from carne, "flesh" or from Late Latin carnnati-, carnation-, "flesh"; both of which come from Latin car-, carn-.
carnifex (s), carnificis (pl)
1. The public executioner at Rome, who executed people of the lowest social status (not Roman citizens); thus, an executioner or hangman.
2. Carnifex comes from Latin caro, carnis, "flesh" and facere, "to make."

This word is also used as a term of reproach; either as "murderer, tormentor", or "scoundrel".

To behead or to mangle.
carnificina (s), carnificinae (pl)
1. In Roman times, the hangman's office.
2. The place where executions and torturing were done.
Etymology: From Middle Latin, carne, vale, "O flesh, farewell!" through Italian, carnevale, and French, carnaval.

Related "meat, flesh" word units: creo-, kreo-; sarco-.

Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "food, nutrition, nourishment": alimento-; broma-; cibo-; esculent-; sitio-; tropho-; Eating Crawling Snacks; Eating: Carnivorous-Plant "Pets"; Eating: Folivory or Leaf Eaters; Eating: Omnivorous.