nastic, -nastic; nasty, -nasty; -nastism +
(Greek: nastos, pressed close, crammed full; firm, solid)
2. A combining form with the meaning "nastic pressure", of the kind or in the direction specified by the initial element.
2. Orientation movements of plants during the night.
Nastic movements of plant organs in response to the changes in light and temperature that occur between day and night (and vice versa). Examples are the opening and closing of many flowers and the folding together of the leaflets of clover and other plants at night.
2. Hyponasty which is the result of exposure to intense light following an arrest of growth.
The opening and closing of evening primrose flowers upon exposure to dark and light is one example.
2. A growth movement of a plant in response to a non-directional shock or mechanical vibration stimulus.
2. In plant organs, the assumption of, or tendency to assume, certain positions because of one-sided pressure or growth due to heat.
3. A nastic movement caused by a change in temperature.
One example includes the opening and closing of crocus flowers after an increase or decrease in temperature.
The leaves of the momosa plant respond to being touched, shaken, heated, or rapidly cooled. The speed of the responses depend on the magnitude of the stimuli.
One of the more dramatic plant movements is the snapping shut of the leaf of a Venus Flytrap when it detects movement on its surface.
2. A growth curvature in plants in response to wounds.