
(Latin: to fasten; to attach; from fixus, past participle of figere)

crucifixion (s) (noun), crucifixions (pl)
1. The act of executing or putting to death by a method widespread in the ancient world during which the victim's hands and feet were bound or nailed to a cross: Crucifixions were morbid ways of torture and the killing of a person while at the same time humiliating the victim by being exposed to the public.
2. Any representation of Jesus Christ's death on the cross: In many Christian churches there is at least one symbol of the crucifixion to be seen which creates an atmosphere of solemness.
3. A public presentation involving harsh criticisms of someone or something that has disastrous results: Rose read about a politician in the newspaper who had immoral affairs which resulted in a crucifixion of his marital and political life.
cryofixation (s) (noun), cryofixations (pl)
The securing in a position involving a process for microscopy that is carried out at low temperatures during surgery to improve the quality of holding body parts together: Cryofixation is often done at very low temperatures and fast coolings are used to prevent formation of ice crystals.

Cooling rates of 10,000 degrees per minute may be used in cryofixations and liquid nitrogen or even liquid helium temperatures are utilized and it is not necessary to include any chemical treatments.

defix (verb), defixes; defixed; defixing
To fasten down; to hold firmly or earnestly: Thomas tried to defix the tiles on the roof of his house which had come off during the storm so they wouldn’t be blown off again.
duplifix (noun), duplifixes (pl)
A reduplicated portion of a root or a stem that may occur in front, at the back, or inside the basic form of a word: Examples of duplifixes include: hokey-pokey, razzle-dazzle, super-duper, teenie-weenie, wingding, etc.
electronic fix (s) (noun), electronic fixes (pl)
A navigational fix that is determined by electronic methods; such as, by the use of LORAN (LOng RAnge Navigation) or a long-range, accurate radio navigational system used by a ship or aircraft to confirm or to determine its geographical position or fix: The captain of the ship used an electronic fix to establish his position in the ocean.
fix (s) (noun), fixes (pl)
1. The determination of a navigational position or location of someone or something: There are fixes of ships made by radar, observation, etc.

James has a fix on his brother's location while he is climbing a moutain.

2. An answer or an explanation which solves a problem or corrects a mistake: Allen has a quick fix or a fast solution which is temporary.

Dale wants a long-term solution, not just a quick fix.

3. An act or instance of bribery or dishonesty that is meant to produce a special result: Rodney was sure that the results of the football game was nothing more than a big fix.
4. A predicament or an embarrassing situation: After accepting two invitations for the same evening, Trudy was in a fix as to which one she should go to.

Flight attendants are in a fix as digital devices make a mockery of rules; in fact, wearable computers are coming, which will make it even more difficult to get people to turn them off during takeoffs and landings.

fix (verb), fixes; fixed; fixing
1. To place securely; to make stable or firm: Jane wanted a larger mirror so she had one fixed to the wall so she could have a better view of the clothes she was wearing.
2. To secure to something so it won't move: All of the tables on the ship were fixed to the floor.
3. To repair; to mend: Jim took his car to the repair shop where the dent in the fender was fixed.
4. To put in order or in good condition; to adjust or to arrange: James and Jane have a woman to fix their apartment by vacuuming, dusting, and cleaning the bathrooms every two weeks.
5. To settle definitely; to determine: The clerk in the grocery store fixed the price of the various kinds of apples that were delivered from the local orchards.
6. To direct one's eyes and attention steadily: Henry's eyes were fixed on the "blue moon" or the second full moon of the month.
7. To put or to place responsibility, blame, etc. on someone: Thomas stole Sally’s new cell phone and the principal called his parents and fixed the crime on him so they could take the necessary steps to punish him.
8. To assign or to refer to a definite place, time, etc.: Jack and Jill wanted to get married, so they had a date fixed by the justice of the peace for a specific date for the ceremony to take place.
9. To provide or to supply with something that is needed or wanted: Sharon was fixed with enough money for the trip that she was going on.
10. To arrange or to influence the outcome of some action in an informal way, privately or dishonestly: The coach was found guilty of trying to fix the final football game.
11. To get a meal; to prepare food: Shirley called her husband, who had to work overtime, because she wanted to know if he could let her know what time to fix dinner.
12. Informal: to castrate or to spay an animal; especially, a pet: David called a veterinarian to make an appointment to fix his cat because she was having too many kittens.
13. Etymology: fix ultimately comes from Latin figere, "fasten". Its past participle fixus made its way into English along two distinct routes, partly via the Old French adjective fix, "fixed" and partly via the medieval Latin verb fixare.
fixable (adjective), more fixable, most fixable
1. Relating to something which can be established or rendered firm: Tom pitched a tent, but it wasn’t secure, so he decided to try again and, since it was fixable, he pounded the stakes into the ground a second time.
2. Capable of being repaired or restored: Since there was only a minor problem with the coffee machine, the company thought it was fixable and so they quickly repaired it.
fixate (verb), fixates; fixated; fixating
1. To pay attention to or to think about something constantly and obsessively: James was a journalist who was fixating on scandals much more than normal events.
2. To bond oneself to an individual in an emotionally disturbed way: Ever since Larry was a little boy, he has not gone anywhere without his mother being fixated on him.
3. To be totally obsessed or preoccupied with somebody or something: Frank wants to be the best pianist ever, so he is fixating on practicing about five to six hours every day.
fixation (s) (noun), fixations (pl)
1. The act or operation of holding or fastening something in a stable position: Joe checked the fixation of the lamp he had attached to the ceiling and was happy with his successful accomplishment.
2. The condition of being held in a secure position: The fixation of the implant in Ginny’s bone material in her upper jaw caused her no further pain in the days following the operation.
3. An inability to stop thinking about something: Shelby has some kind of fixations about birds hating her; so, she avoids walking under trees when she hears them chittering or twittering above.

The media tends to have their fixations on scandals and violence much more than they do on successful social achievements.

fixative (s) (noun), fixatives (pl)
A varnish dissolved in alcohol and sprayed over pictures to prevent smudging: Lisa used a fixative to provide a very thin and transparent covering over her paintings in order to protect them from being damaged.
fixed pupil (s) (noun), fixed pupils (pl)
A hole in the middle of the iris of the eye, through which light passes to be focused on the retina, which does not react to stimuli: Janet’s sight was limited only to the eye on the left side because of a fixed pupil on the right side which was stationary and unresponsive to light, movement, etc.
fixedly (adverb), more fixedly, most fixedly
Firmly; in a settled or established manner; steadfastly: Beverly noticed that the man was fixedly looking at her while she was on the bus.
fixedness (s) (noun) (no plural)
1. The quality of being able to work properly again without changes: After being unsure of keeping her position at work, Shirley received notice that her work was outstanding and so she had a feeling of fixedness that relieved her greatly.
2. A system of being securely placed or fastened in place: The fixedness of the cabinet above Jake's bathroom sink was necessary for providing the items he needed for brushing his teeth, shaving, etc.
fixer (s) (noun), fixers (pl)
1. Someone who helps others by using illegal practices; usually, including cash payments: The slang term fixer refers to any individual who can provide another person with a job or extra money by using unlawful means.
2. A worker who is an expert at repairing things which are broken: Jerome is a local fixer who can quickly make items that are not working properly function again as if they were new.

Related word families intertwined with "to place, placing, to put; to add; to stay; to attach" word units: pon-; prosth-; stato-; the-, thes-.