Latin Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases, and Words: Group A

(classical-language maxims, slogans, adages, proverbs, and words of wisdom that can still capture our modern imagination)

Expressions of general truths: Latin to English maxims, proverbs, and mottoes

Word entries are from Latin unless otherwise indicated.

ab extra; ab ex. (Latin phrase)
Translation: "From the outside; from without."

The infection pervading in the hospital appears to have originated ab extra or ab ex..

Ab extrinseco (Latin phrase)
Translation: "From the outside."

The information reported to the police appeared to be from ab extrinseco sources.

Ab hoc et ab hac et ab illa. (Latin term)
Translation: "From this man, this woman, and that woman."

Also translated as, "From here, there, and everywhere."

The talk of gossips; as, such and such a person did or said this or that, is also known as ab hoc et ab hac et ab illa.

A statement which characterizes something heard or said in general gossip with no indication of its precise source is called an ab hoc et ab hac et ab illa.

Fritz was not prepared to rely on ab hoc et ab hac et ab illa information because he wanted to check out the data and make sure it was accurate.

Ab igne ignem. (Latin term)
Translation: "From fire, fire."

Also translated as, "As you sow, so shall you reap."

This suggests that anyone should expect to get only what he or she puts into a project or effort.

The visiting minister, who was very outspoken, exhorted the congregation, ab igne ignem.

Ab imo pectore (Latin phrase)
Translation: "From the bottom of the breast or chest."

The equivalent of "speaking from the heart" or "sincerely". It sounds peculiar until you realize that to the Romans the breast (pectus) was the source both of reason and of the emotions. So to speak ab imo pectore means the same thing as to "speak from the bottom of one's heart".

When describing her love for James, Pam declared that she was speaking ab imo pectore.

Ab inconvenienti (Latin phrase)
Translation: "From the inconvenience."

A discomfort, difficulty, or annoyance.

Used in law to state that a position is untenable because of the hardship or inconvenience it would create.

Marjory's lawyer appealed the sentence from the court, stating that it was ab inconvenienti because she needed to care for her children and her aged mother.

Ab incunabulis (Latin phrase)
Translation: "From infancy."

This phrase may be translated as "cradle, swaddling clothes, infancy, or origin". Although ab incunabulis doesn't include a special reference to books, it still often refers to the earliest stage or beginning of something; but most often books date back to the period before 1500 A.D., when the use of movable type in printing was in its beginning stage.

Ab initio; ab inti (Latin phrase)
Translation: "From the beginning."

The Latin equivalent of "from the start" or "from inception".

Ab integro (Latin phrase)
Translation: "From the new."

Starting over again; a fresh start.

Ab intestato (Latin phrase)
Translation: "From or by a person dying intestate"; that is, without a valid will.

A reference to someone who has died and left no will or testament.

Ab intra (Latin phrase)
Translation: "From within (oneself)."

The role of an insider is played out ab intra or "from within" an organization.

Ab irato (Latin phrase)
Translation: "From an angry man."

Any action taken ab irato is to be understood as arising from anger rather than reason, and responses to such actions should be weighed carefully by reasonable people.

Ab officio et beneficio (Latin phrase)
Translation: "From official (duties) and benefits."

A suspension from a job and the remunerations or pay which come with it.

A.B. or B.A.; Artium Baccalaureus
Bachelor of Arts.

A university or college degree that is usually given after four years of successful course work.

Ab origine (Latin phrase)
Translation: "From the first; from the origin."

This phrase may also be translated as "From the very beginning" or "From the source"; "From the start of something": There is no evidence that humans came from the ab origine of the world.

Pointing to a page about a kleptomaniac Units of mottoes and proverbs listed by groups: A to X.