Latin Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases, and Words: Group A

(classical-language maxims, slogans, adages, proverbs, and words of wisdom that can still capture our modern imagination)

Expressions of general truths: Latin to English maxims, proverbs, and mottoes

Word entries are from Latin unless otherwise indicated.

adde; add. (Latin)
Let there be added.

Used in medicine meaning to "add": Adde is used by doctors as a direction when writing a prescription for a patient.

addenda (uh DEN duh) (plural)
Things to be added, as in a supplement or an appendix: "The author included an addenda of new materials in his book."
addendum (uh DEN dum) (singular)
Something that has been added in a written document; added section, supplement, attachment: "The report has an addendum clarifying certain points."
Something added.
Adeo in teneris consuescere multum est.
So important is it to grow inured to anything in early youth.

There is a value of instilling sound principles in the mind during the early years.

So imperative it is to form habits in early years.
'Tis education forms the common mind;
Just as the twig is bent, the tree's inclined.
—Alexander Pope (English poet and satirist; 1688-1744), in his Moral Essays.
Adeste, Fideles (Latin title)
Translation: "Oh Come, All Ye Faithful."

A title of a Christmas carol. The music for this Christian hymn was composed in Latin by John Reading (1677-1764).

Adhuc sub iudice (judice) lis est.
The case is still before the court.

Members of the legal profession are enjoined from making any public statements or discussing about anything that is under adjudication (sub judice).

When people are under indictment and public officials accused of misconduct in office, they may invoke the statement for the purpose of avoiding public discussion of their court case.

adjectivum; adj., adi.

Used in grammar when referring to a modifier (descriptive word/words) of a noun or a pronoun.

adjuvante deo
With the favor of God or with His help.
adoxography (s) (noun), adoxographies (pl)
A reference to trashy writing without doxa, or glory; that is, writing that would bring no fame or honor to its creator.

A formal answer to a roll call which literally means, "I am here."

Things noted.

A scholarly expression referring to observations one has made.

adversus (masculine), adversa (feminine), adversum (neuter)
1. Set opposite, adverse, having been set against.

Ne Hercules quidem adversus duos.

"Not even Hercules fights against two."

2. Turned toward, having been turned toward.
Adversus solem ne loquitor.
"Don't speak against the sun."

Also translated as, "Don't waste your time arguing the obvious."

When confronted by an important, irrefutable fact, there is no point in arguing about it any further.

Advocatus diaboli. (Latin)
Translation: "Devil's advocate."

This term is generally used to describe someone who takes the unpopular or opposite side in an argument either out of contentiousness or out of a zeal for the truth.

Pointing to a page about a kleptomaniac Units of mottoes and proverbs listed by groups: A to X.