bio-, bi-, -bia, -bial, -bian, -bion, -biont, -bius, -biosis, -bium, -biotic, -biotical
(Greek: life; living, live, alive)
Don’t confuse this element with another bi- which means "two".
The most important things in life are not things.
Ultramicroscopic life; such as, ultraviuses.
Living in sand; living interstitially between or attached to sand particles.
Someone who writes about biographical studies that focus on psychological factors; such as, childhood traumas and unconscious motives.
A biographical study focusing on psychological factors, as childhood traumas and unconscious motives.
1. The study of psychology from a biological point of view (including the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the mind) emphasizing the adaptive or functional aspects of behavior that enable the organism to meet survival challenges that are posed by the environment; synonym: biopsychology.
2. A method of psychoanalysis employing distributive analysis, that includes a study of all mental and physical factors involved in an individual's growth and development.
3. Objective psychobiology involves a special emphasis on the various relationships of the individual to his or her environment.
4. The branch of biology dealing with the relations or interactions between body and behavior, especially as exhibited in the nervous system, receptors, effectors, or the like.
5. The study of the interrelationships of biology and psychology in cognitive functioning, including intellectual, memory, and related neurocognitive processes.
2. A method of psychoanalysis employing distributive analysis, that includes a study of all mental and physical factors involved in an individual's growth and development.
3. Objective psychobiology involves a special emphasis on the various relationships of the individual to his or her environment.
4. The branch of biology dealing with the relations or interactions between body and behavior, especially as exhibited in the nervous system, receptors, effectors, or the like.
5. The study of the interrelationships of biology and psychology in cognitive functioning, including intellectual, memory, and related neurocognitive processes.
The study of the biological effects of ionizing radiation upon living tissue.
A biologist who studies saprobic environments or a reference to organisms that obtain their food directly from decaying organic material.
The study of saprobic environments.
Relating to the feeding of dead or decaying organic matter.
Those organisms living in or on rotting wood.
A reference to organisms living in or on rotting wood.
A descriptive reference to the study of the biology of darkness, including research of the effects of darkness on the behavior and metabolism of animals, plants, and microbes; as well as, its influences on human beings.