bio-, bi-, -bia, -bial, -bian, -bion, -biont, -bius, -biosis, -bium, -biotic, -biotical
(Greek: life; living, live, alive)
Don’t confuse this element with another bi- which means "two".
The most important things in life are not things.
1. Dormancy induced by low humidity or by drying out: The seeds of many desert plants go into a state of anhydrobiosis when there is no rainfall for an extended period of time.
2. A state caused by dehydration, in which an organism's metabolism (rate of bodily function) is reduced to an imperceptible level: Dr. Sneed, the veterinarian, was very concerned about the extreme state of anhydrobioses in the dog that was brought into his office because its body processes were barely detectable.
2. A state caused by dehydration, in which an organism's metabolism (rate of bodily function) is reduced to an imperceptible level: Dr. Sneed, the veterinarian, was very concerned about the extreme state of anhydrobioses in the dog that was brought into his office because its body processes were barely detectable.
An organism incapable of using oxygen as distinct from one that is aerobic or breathing air.
antagonistic symbiosis, antipathetic symbiosis
A type of symbiosis that is beneficial to one symbiont and detrimental to another one; for example, "parasitism".
Growing on burned-over soil or scorched material.
1. The study of the biologic relationships of humans as a species.
2. The biological study of human beings and the ape and monkey related primates.
2. The biological study of human beings and the ape and monkey related primates.
A record of the resistance of microbes to various antibiotics.
A microorganism producing antimicrobial substances; antipathetic organisms.
1. A condition of antagonism between organisms, especially micro-organisms (antonym of symbiosis).
2. The antagonistic association between two organisms in which one species adversely affects the other, often by production of a toxin.
3. An association of two organisms which is detrimental to one of them, in contrast to probiosis.
4. Production of an antibiotic by bacteria or other organisms inhibitory to other living things, especially among soil microbes.
2. The antagonistic association between two organisms in which one species adversely affects the other, often by production of a toxin.
3. An association of two organisms which is detrimental to one of them, in contrast to probiosis.
4. Production of an antibiotic by bacteria or other organisms inhibitory to other living things, especially among soil microbes.
1. Related to antibiosis.
2. Destructive of life.
3. A chemical substance produced by a microorganism that has the capacity, in dilute solutions, to inhibit the growth of or to kill other microorganisms.
4. Opposed to a belief in the presence or the possibility of life.
2. Destructive of life.
3. A chemical substance produced by a microorganism that has the capacity, in dilute solutions, to inhibit the growth of or to kill other microorganisms.
4. Opposed to a belief in the presence or the possibility of life.
Substances that are sufficiently nontoxic to the host are used as chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of infectious diseases of man, animals, and plants.
Death, especially the local death of a part of an organism.
The commencement of living matter from non-living matter; abiogenesis: In Peggy's biology class, she learned about archebiosis as being the very beginning of living matter and substances.
1. A period of reduced metabolic activity (chemical and physical processes involved in the maintenance of life).
2. Either the condition of an inactive larva not yet metamorphosed to a pupa or autointoxication, particularly among insects.
2. Either the condition of an inactive larva not yet metamorphosed to a pupa or autointoxication, particularly among insects.
1. A branch of biology concerned with the discovery or study of life on the celestial bodies in outer space.
2. The study of the movements of heavenly bodies and how these patterns affect living systems on earth.
3. Research in the possible relationships of all living things in the universe.
2. The study of the movements of heavenly bodies and how these patterns affect living systems on earth.
3. Research in the possible relationships of all living things in the universe.
Dormancy induced by relatively low temperatures.