Produced by a living organism or resulting from the actions of living organisms; such as, fermentation, necessary for life processes, including food and water.
biogenic theory
The theory that fossil fuels represent the altered remains of ancient plant and animal life deposited in sedimentary rocks, and therefore have a biological origin.
Generally accepted in preference to the abiogenic theory that hydrocarbon deposits became part of the earth as it formed.
1. Originating from life or producing life.
2. Living on or in other organisms.
A reference to the science dealing with the relationship between the geochemistry of a given region and its flora and fauna, including the circulation of such elements as carbon and nitrogen between the environment and the cells of living organisms.
biogeochemical cycle
(s) (noun), biogeochemical cycles
The circulation of chemical components through the biosphere from, or to, the lithosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere: The biogeochemical cycle includes the exchange of elements, like oxygen, carbon, or nitrogen, in the environment between storage pools, such as the atmosphere, biota, oceans, soils, the earth's crust, and human society.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
The branch of science that studies the biological, chemical, and geological aspects of environmental processes:
Biogeochemistry deals with the relation of chemicals found in the soil to living organisms. It is the biological application of geochemistry.
Biogeochemistry is the study of the influence of living organisms and life processes on the chemical structure and history of the Earth.
Biogeochemistry also includes the study of the interactions between the biosphere and its mineral environment, for example, the study of the effect of living organisms on the weathering of rocks and of the concentration of elements by living systems.
biogeocoenology, biogeocenology
The study of ecosystems.
(s) (noun), biographs
A diagram , a collection, or a chart showing the geographical distribution of living things: Judy had to analyse the biogeograph of animals and vegetation in her region in order to give a talk to the class the following week.
(s) (noun), biogeographers
1. A specialist in biogeography, or someone who studies the distributions of living things: Tom's father was a
biogeographer who was an expert in plant and animal life in the earth's environment and knew a lot about the biological and historical factors that produced such distributions.
2 .A scientist who studies the spacial distributions of individual organisms in biotic communities: The biotic communities that a
biogeographer is concerned with are composed of plants and animals and of ecosystems, or environmental systems, which are associations of biotic communities interacting with their environments.
An ecosystem may be defined and studied at sites in areas ranging from a small pond to a global biome, such as prairies or tropical rain forests.
(adjective), more biogeographic, most biogeographic
A reference to the science of the geographical distribution of living things: Mr. Jackson was very interested in the biogeographic spreading of wild animals in his country.
biogeographic regions
(pl) (noun), no singular
References to areas of the world that contain recognizably distinct and special fauna, or animals, and plants.
Referring to the study of the geographic or earthly distribution of living organisms: Mrs. Thompson found a book in the library dealing with the biogeographical aspects of plants and animals.
(adverb) (not comparable)
A description of how situations involve the geographic or the worldly distribution of living organisms: In class, Judy learned about a biogeographically isolated area of plants and animals.
(s) (noun), biogeographies
The science of the geographical distribution of living things, animal (zoogeography) and vegetable (phytogeography): Biogeography is the study of the geographical distributions of organisms, their habitats (ecological biogeography), and the historical and biological factors that produced them (historical biogeography).

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