bio-, bi-, -bia, -bial, -bian, -bion, -biont, -bius, -biosis, -bium, -biotic, -biotical
(Greek: life; living, live, alive)
Don’t confuse this element with another bi- which means "two".
The most important things in life are not things.
Robotics is hardly the only emergent industry that can expect the embrace of the techno-enthusiast. Maybe bathtub biotech will be next to capture the mindshare of the techie tinkerers.
Maybe bioinformatics and the diffusion of genetic engineering technologies and techniques will inspire a new generation of biohackers. Certainly the technologies are there for those inclined to genetically edit their plants or pets.
Maybe a mouse or E. coli genome becomes the next operating system for hobbyists to profitably twiddle. Perhaps this decade will bring a Linus Torvalds or Bill Gates of biohackerdom—a hobbyist who turns into an entrepreneur who can simultaneously innovate and market his or her DNA-driven ideas.
2. Potential danger from biological sources, as opposed to chemical or mechanical dangers.
3. A risk to human beings or their environment, especially one presented by a toxic or infectious agent.
2. A mound-like accumulation of fossil remains on the site where organisms lived.
3. A mound, dome, or reef-like mass of rock that is composed almost exclusively of the remains of sedentary marine organisms; such as, corals, algae, mollusks, and other sedentary marine life; and is embedded in rock of a different physical character or lithology.
2. Referring to the movement of aqueous fluids through living tissues.
2. The science of solution action in living tissue.
3. The study of the interactions between water, plants, and animals, including the effects of water on biota as well as the physical and chemical changes in water or its environment produced by biota.
2. The application of computer technology to the management of biological information. Specifically, it is the science of developing computer databases and algorithms to facilitate and expedite biological research, particularly in genomics.
3. A scientific discipline that includes all aspects of the gathering, storing, handling, analyzing, interpreting and the spreading of biological information.
It involves powerful computers and innovative programs that handle vast amounts of coding information on genes and proteins from genomics programs.
It also comprises the development and application of computational algorithms for the purpose of analysis, interpretation, and prediction of data for the design of experiments in the biosciences.
2. Devices for recording and transmitting physiological data or to display information about the body’s functions.
3. The use of sensors and other instruments to record and transmit physiological data from people or other living things; such as, in space flight.
2. The science of the movements within developing organisms.