heter-, hetero-

(Greek: different, other, another, unlike; irregular, abnormal)

This Greek element forms many scientific and other terms, often in opposition to homo-. Sometimes it is also the antonym of auto-, homoeo-, iso-, ortho-, and syn-.

heterokeratoplasty (s) (noun), heterokeratoplasties (pl)
Grafting of corneal tissue from an individual of a species other than that of the recipient: When studying medicine, Tom learned about heterokeratoplasty, a form of keratoplasty in which the cornea from one species of animal was grafted to the eye of another species.
heterokinesia (s) (noun) (no pl)
The performance of movements that are the reverse of those one is told to make; heterokinesis: At Dr. Smart's office, Jill's parents were told that their daughter had a condition of heterokinesia because all of the actions of her movements were the opposite of those she was told to do.
heterolateral (adjective) (not comparable)
Relferring to the opposite side; contralateral: When the elderly Mr. Evans described his pain to the doctor, he said he perceived it on the heterolateral side of his body where the injury was.
heteroliteral (adjective), more heteroliteral, most heteroliteral
A reference to stuttering or substituting one letter for another one in pronouncing words: Mr. Stewart had to prepare carefully for his speech because he had a tendency of being heteroliteral and stumbling over his words or faltering while saying his sentences.
heterolith (s) (noun), heteroliths (pl)
An intestinal concretion not formed of mineral matter: A heterolith was a hair ball that was detected in the bowels of the cow.
heterologous (adjective), more heterologous, most heterologous
1. Regarding something made up of tissue not normal to the part; xenogeneic: A heterologous graft on Jack's face healed in a short time.
2. Pertaining to antigen and antibody that are not homologous, i.e., the antigen is not the one that elicited the production of the antibody: A heterologous vaccine gave or presented immunity against the pathogen.
heterology (s) (noun), heterologies (pl)
1. In grammar, a phrase or word that does not describe itself: The term "ultrashort" is an example of heterology because the meaning is shorter than the word itself.
2. In biology, am absence of correspondence between body parts or biomolecules: Bones, tissues, limbs, and proteins all are examples of heterology because they show differences in origin.
heterolysis (s) (noun), heterolyses (pl)
In biology, destruction by an outside agent: Heterolysis Is the impairment or damage of blood cells by another species.
heteromerous (adjective), more heteromerous, most heteromerous
In botaany,relating to the whorls of a flower: Heteromerous parts of blooms vary in number of members from other arrangements of three or more whorls radiating from a single organ or node.
heterometabolic (adjective) (not comparable)
In biology, relating to an insect having a pattern of development exhibiting an incomplete metamorphosis: Heterometabolic arthropods go through undeveloped or partial metamorphosis in which the nymph is basically like the adult but without the pupal stage.
heterometaplasia (s) (noun) (no pl)
The development of a tissue foreign to the segment where it is formed: Heterometaplasia describes the tissue transformation resulting in the development of tissue from cells that normally produce a different type of tissue.

Heterometaplasia is the growth of tissue into a variety foreign to the part where it is produced.

heterometric (adjective) (not comparable)
Involving or depending upon a change in size: When walking along the rocky shore next to the ocean, Jill noticed various heterometric pieces of stones, from very small to very large ones.
heterometropia (s) (noun) (no pl)
The condition in which there is a difference in the refraction in the two eyes: Heterometropia is the state of the eyes in which there are differences in degrees of refraction; or the ability of the eyes to change the direction of light in order to focus it on the retina.
heteromixis (s) (noun), heteromixes (pl)
In mycology, sexual reproduction in fungi: Heteromixis involves the union of nuclei with different genetic constitutions, each from a different fungal thallus.
heteromorphic, heteromorphous (adjective); more heteromorphic, most heteromorphic; more heteromorphous, most heteromorphous
1. Regarding different or dissimilar forms: The heteromorphic existence in different phases at different stages of life, like insects that undergo complete metamorphosis.

Heteromorphic forms can take place at different times or at different stages of the life cycle of a plant having an alternation of vegetatively dissimilar generations.
2. A situation in which there is a replacing of missing pieces by new parts which are different from those that have been lost: The broken jug went through a heteromorphic process when it was repaired with pieces of material from a flower pot.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "another, other, different, alternating, varied, changing": ali-; allo-; alter-; allelo-; mut-; poikilo-; reciproc-; vari-.