heter-, hetero-
(Greek: different, other, another, unlike; irregular, abnormal)
This Greek element forms many scientific and other terms, often in opposition to homo-. Sometimes it is also the antonym of auto-, homoeo-, iso-, ortho-, and syn-.
1. The marriage between dissimilar people: The heterogamy is the situation of being united as wife and husband who are different from each other, particularly regarding their sociocultural backgrounds.
2. In botany, mediate or indirect fertilization of plants: As opposed to orthogamy. heterogamy is the process of prooagation of plants by a circuitous or roundabout manner.
2. In botany, mediate or indirect fertilization of plants: As opposed to orthogamy. heterogamy is the process of prooagation of plants by a circuitous or roundabout manner.
heterogeneous (adjective), more heterogeneous, most heterogeneous
1. Referring to a group of various and different kinds of things or of individuals:: In Mrs. Dawson's class at school, there was a heterogeneous group of 30 students from different parts of the world, like from Turkey, Africa, Germany, and from Japan.
2. Relating to two or more different phases of something: Some heterogeneous substances are composed of the same elements, but go through different stages, like ice and water.
2. Relating to two or more different phases of something: Some heterogeneous substances are composed of the same elements, but go through different stages, like ice and water.
The alternation of generations: abiogenesis; spontaneous generation: Heterogenesis is the class of animals or vegetables of low organization that develop from inorganic matter.
Heterogenesis is the birth or origination of a living being otherwise than from a parent of the same kind.
heterogenetic (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Relating to a disease that has originated outside the body; heterogenic: In class Judy learned that environmental pathogens were microorganisms that spent part of their lives outside the human body, but after entering a person's physical structure, caused heterogenetic illnesses with determinable recurrences.
2. Pertaining to an abnormal organic growth: Jane read that heterogenetic alterations in the developments of living things was also termed abiogenesis.
2. Pertaining to an abnormal organic growth: Jane read that heterogenetic alterations in the developments of living things was also termed abiogenesis.
heterogenous (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Pertaining to one body in respect of another, or of various bodies in respect to each other, that which is diverse in kind or nature, of completely different characters; incongruous; foreign: Jack found out that a heterogenous mixture was one that consisted of two substances that did not merge, like water and oil.
2. Relating to something that didn't originate inside the body: Sam learned that a heterogenous skin graft was one that did not come from the same source, individual, or species
2. Relating to something that didn't originate inside the body: Sam learned that a heterogenous skin graft was one that did not come from the same source, individual, or species
An unusual condition of an unpalatable flavor in the mouth: Heterogeusis, or any kind of parageusia, is a perversion of the sense of taste in which all gustatory (taste) stimuli are distorted in a similar way.
heterognathous (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to an organism that has differently shaped jaws: In her biology book, Alice read about fish that were heterognathous with dissimilarly formed bony structures in the mouth.
A graft taken from an individual of a species different from that of the recipient; a heterotransplant; xenograft: In the newspaper article, Judy read that a heterograft was undertaken in which tissues from an another animal from a different species was used on the skin of the recipient where there was a severe burn.
heterographic, heterographical (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to spelling that differs from that which is correct according to current usage; “incorrect” spelling: Heterographic orthography describes irregular and inconsistent spelling, like "nite" instead of "night", which is the accepted and standard spelling of this word..
heterogynal (adjective) (not comparable)
Descriptive of females of more than one kind; heterogynous: Heterogynal species of animals refer to the females that are of two types, perfect or fertile, and imperfect or "neuter", as in bees and ants.
heterogynous (adjective), more heterogynous, most heterogynous
In zoology, pertaining to females that are quite different to the males in structure and shape: Various insects are heterogynous in that the males possess wings and the females do not have any wings.
Intoxication by a poison not produced within the body: The physical state of heterointoxication can occur by poisoning That has its source outside a person's body.
In electronics, an electrical convergence between two different materials: A heterojunction is a junction between two dissimilar semiconductor materials having different energy gaps between their valence and conduction bands.
In biology, a cell that contains two or more different nuclei: A heterokaryon can be a fungal cell containing two or more nuclei that are genetically dissimilar to each other.
In biology, the state or situation of a cell with two or more different kinds of nuclei: Mr. Tree told his students that a
fungus possessing two genetically unlike nuclei in its cytoplasm was an example of the condition of heterokaryosis.