(Greek: bad, harsh, wrong; ill; hard to do, difficult at; slow of; disordered; impaired, defective)
2. Characterized by human misery.
3. Some people also use other descriptive terms; such as, cacotopia, kakotopia, or anti-utopia to describe the conditions that exist in a dystopia.
2. In medicine, progressive degeneration of a body tissue; for example, a muscle, as a result of inadequate nourishment of the affected part, due to some unknown cause.
3. A condition in which pond or lake water is unable to support thriving animal or plant life because of excessive humus content.
Such water is unable to support much plant or animal life because of the amount of humus dissolved in it.
2. Relates to or is caused by faulty nutrition.
3. In ecology, with reference to a lake or pond, having too low an accumulation of dissolved nutrients to support abundant plant life.
4. Another description of a lake or pond that contains highly acid, brownish waters filled with undecayed plant materials, and eventually developing into a peat bog or marsh.
5. Refers to a lake with high humus material, sparse bottom fauna, and low dissolved oxygen.
2. A condition in which pond or lake water is unable to support much plant or animal life because of an excessive amount of humus content.
3. In medicine, a degenerative, faulty, or inadequate nutrition or development.
4. In pathology, any of a number of disorders characterized by weakening, degeneration; especially, muscular dystrophy, in which the muscles weaken and atrophy.
Charles refused to drive a car because of his dystychiphobia and so he was always afraid that he might harm himself, a passenger, or a pedestrian in a collision.
People who have dystychiphobia, like accident phobics, try to avoid risky jobs, atmospheric conditions, a tiring work schedule, and equipment failures.
Dystychiphobia is related to an abnormal fear of decision-making and a strong stressfulness resulting from their dread of making mistakes.
The difference between cowards and heroes is that cowards fear what they face, and heroes face what they fear.
Dysuria may indicate cystitis; urethritis; infection any where in the urinary tract; urethral stricture; hypertrophied, cancerous, or ulcerated prostrate in men; prolapse of the uterus in women; pelvic peritonitis and abscess; metritis; cancer of the cervix dysmenorrhea; or psychological abnormalities.