-cide, -cides, -cidal

(Latin: a suffix; kill, killer; murder, to cause death, slayer; cutter; “to cut down”)

Don’t confuse this element with the another -cide that means “to cut”; although -cide, “death”, is related to -cise, -cide, “to cut down”.

regicide (s) (noun), regicides (pl)
1. The killing of a king, especially someone who kills his/her own king: Charles I was a terrible king, and after a trial, was committed to death, and this regicide was the first of its kind.
2. Someone who commits the crime of murdering a king: John Jones, Adrian Scrope, and Gregory Clement are just three regicides who were arrested, found guilty, and were either hanged or drawn and quartered.
rodenticide (s) (noun), rodenticides (pl)
The killing of various mammals; such as, a mouse, rat, squirrel, or beaver, characterized by large incisors adapted for gnawing or nibbling with a poison or other procedures.
scabicide, scabieticide (s) (noun); scabicides, scabieticides (pl)
The killing of organisms that cause severe itching of the body: The medical treatment by scabicides results in destroying the invading mites so they can't cause patients to suffer any further.
schistosomacide, schistosomicide
The killing of schistosomes or blood flukes.
The killing of malarial parasites.
senicide, senicidal
The killing of the old men of a tribe, etc.
serpenticide (s) (noun), serpenticides (pl)
The killing of scaly elongated reptiles: Jake's cousin had a special hatred for snakes and he would commit serpenticide on them whenever he could find one.
silvicide, silvicidal
A substance that kills trees or forests.
socrucide, socrucidal
1. The act of killing the mother of one’s spouse.
2. Archaic: the act of killing the father of one’s spouse.
3. Someone who kills the mother of his or her spouse.
4. Etymology: from Latin socrus; originally, "mother- or father-in-law", but it was restricted to "mother-in-law" by classical times.
sororicide (s), sororicides (pl) (nouns)
1. A person who murders his or her sister.
2. The killing of one's sister.
An agent that is destructive to spirilla (spiral or curved bacteria).
spirocheticide, spirochaeticide
1. The killing of spirochetes, a type of parasitical bacteria.
2. An agent destructive to spirochetes.
The killing of spores.
staphylocide, staphylococcide, staphylococcicide (s) (noun); staphylocides; staphylococcides; staphylococcicides (pl)
The destruction of microorganisms that cause staph infections: Tom learned in his seminar in medicine that staphylocide was the only way to get rid of, or kill, those parasitic bacteria which tend to form irregular colonies and cause boils, septicaemia, or other infections.
The killing of streptococci, a type of bacteria.

Related "death, dead; kill" units: lethal-; mort-; neci-; necro-; phono-; thanato-.