chrono-, chron-

(Greek: time, times; sequence of times)

panchronic (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Pertaining to or designating linguistic study applied to all languages at all stages of their development: Panchronic phonology is one kind of method of historical phonology.
2. Relating to something that is not restricted to a specific point in time: Since both Jim and Jill were retired, their vacation time could be panchronic, so they could choose any time to go on vacation!
pantochronometer (s) (noun), pantochronometers (pl)
An instrument which functions as a compass, a sundial, or the universal time dial: Jack's hobby was collection all kinds of timepieces and he was so pleased to find a pantochronomete at an antique store while visiting Perth.
parachronism (s) (noun), parachronism (pl)
An error in chronology; usually taken as one in which an event, etc., is given too late a date than the proper one: When planning their trip to Canada, the family miscalculated and set the return flight too late, and after school had already started! The children thought that this parachronism was just great!
parachronistic (adjective), more parachronistic, most parachronistic
Referring to something that belongs to a past time; primitive; out of date: An old coffee grinder stood on the shelf in the kitchen, but was certainly parachronistic in that it was much too old to be used for grinding coffee or anything else!
parachronology (s) (noun), parachronologies (pl)
In geology, a functional way of the dating and correlation of groups of rock strata: Parachronology within geochronology deals with fossils that either supplement or take the place of biostratigraphically significant fossils.
photochronograph (s) (noun), photochronographs (pl)
An instrument for taking a series of instantaneous photographs at regular short intervals of time, also each of the photographs so taken: A photochronograph is a device by which a beam of light is caused to produce a photographic image at some precise instant of time, for example, so as to show the exact time at which a star crosses the meridian.
photochronography (s) (noun) (no pl)
The art of recording or measuring intervals of time with the photochronograph: Bob's hobby was photography, but he was especially interested in photochronography whereby he could take instantaneous photos at regular and in short intervals of time, like birds or horses in motion.
plastochron (s) (noun), plastochrons (pl)
The interval of time between consecutive formations of leaf primordia (or of pairs of such primordia) in a growing shoot apex of a plant: A plastochron refers to the regular time interval that new leaves on a plant are produced, and only if the temperature remains constant.
plesiochronous (ples" ee AH kroh nuhs) (adjective) (not comparable)
Derived from the Greek plesio, "near", "close", and chronos, "time", and refers to the fact that plesiochronous systems run in a situation when different parts of the system are almost, but not quite perfectly synchronized.

Almost synchronous refers to a transmission where the sending and receiving devices are synchronized, but set to different clocks. Although the bits may not arrive in the same time slot as they were sent, as long as they arrive within a certain, defined range, the transmission is said to be plesiochronous.

The term is used in the "Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy" (PDH), the widely-used system in which the transmissions from one continent (such as North America) are internetworked with transmissions in other continents (such as Europe) by making small adjustments in the differing data rates between the systems. The European and American versions of the PDH system differ slightly in the details of their functions, but the principles are the same.

A plesiochronous situation can arise when two systems have slightly different clock readings over time. In such circumstances, one of the components, or a third system, would need to notice the mismatch and make some compensating adjustments, such as repeating or deleting a data packet or frame.

—Based on information from PC,
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia;; and
plesiochronous communications (s) (noun) (no pl)
A digital correspondence network that is nearly synchronized: Plesiochronous communications describes a communication system where transmitted signals have the same nominal digital rate but are synchronized on different clocks.
plesiosynchronous (adjective), more plesiosynchronous, most plesiosynchronous
Nearly simultaneous; (broadly) happening at the same time: Plesiosynchronous bit sources are not ensured to have precisely the corresponding timing although the nominal bit rate is the very same.
polychronicon (s) (noun), polychronicons (pl)
A chronicle of many events or periods: In the book Jane was reading, James, the protagonist, thought he should write a polychonicon about the many occurrences of the past year since so much had changed in his town.
prochronic (adjective), more prochronic, most prochronic
Relating to an error in dating an event earlier than it had really happened, or the depiction of something existing before it actually did: Mike really blundered and made prochronic statements about people back in history having cell phones to use when working on the cotton fields.
prochronism (s) (noun), prochronisms (pl)
A mistake in the dating of an event that puts it earlier that it in fact took place: When Tom wrote a report about his family and ancestors for his teacher, it was full of prochronisms, like his father being born in 1820, although he was really born in 1948!
pseudochronism (s) (noun), pseudochronisms (pl)
A false dating, an error in date: Jane was told by her teacher that the essay she wrote in history contained too many pseudochronisms by misplacing the dates of historical events and that she had to correct everything for the following day.