arch, -archic, -archical, -archism, -archist, -archy
(Greek: govern, rule; ruler, chief [first in position])
Sovereignty wielded by seven rulers.
1. The collective body of squires, landed proprietors, or country gentry; the class to which these men belong, regarded especially in respect of their political or social influences.
2. The rule or government by a squire or squires.
2. The rule or government by a squire or squires.
The system of rule in an army (officers, non-commissioned officers, and subordinate military enlistees).
Joint rule or sovereignty; participation in government by people with their rulers.
One of four joint rulers, directors, or heads.
tetrarchy, tetradarchy
A government by four persons jointly; a set of four tetrarchs or rulers; a country divided into four petty governments.
1. The rule or government of God or of a god; a theocracy.
2. An order or system of deities.
3. A community that is ruled by priests; mostly the rule of priests.
2. An order or system of deities.
3. A community that is ruled by priests; mostly the rule of priests.
The ruler or prince of a small district, city, or petty state; a petty “king”.
1. Small state consisting of a few towns.
2. The small district or territory under the rule of a toparch.
2. The small district or territory under the rule of a toparch.
The title of the captain of the city-guard of mercenaries at Athens.
The ruler of one of three divisions of a country or territory.
1. The government or jurisdiction of a triarch; one of three divisions of a country ruled by triarchs.
2. Government by three rulers or powers jointly; three persons associated in government, a triumvirate.
3. A group of three districts or divisions of a country each under its own ruler.
2. Government by three rulers or powers jointly; three persons associated in government, a triumvirate.
3. A group of three districts or divisions of a country each under its own ruler.