arch, -archic, -archical, -archism, -archist, -archy

(Greek: govern, rule; ruler, chief [first in position])

Rule or government of heroes.
Rule by six; specifically, by six states.
hierarch (s) (noun), hierarchs (pl)
1. Someone who has rule or authority in holy things or places; an ecclesiastical ruler or potentate: Hierarchs include a chief priest, a a chief prelate, or an archbishop.
2. An archangel: A hierarch can also be Christ as commander of the celestial beings.
hierarchy (s) (noun), hierarchies (pl)
1. ?riestly rule or government; a system of ecclesiastical rule: A hierarchy can be the dominion in holy things.
2 . The collective body of ecclesiastical rulers; A hierarchy is an organized group of priests or clergy in successive orders or grades.
3. A body of persons or things ranked in grades, orders, or classes, one above another: A hierarchy can be specifically exemplified in, in natural science and logic as a system or series of terms of successive rank (as classes, orders, genera, species, etc.) and is used in classification.

It often happens that I wake at night and begin to think about a serious problem and decide I must tell the Pope about it. Then I wake up completely and remember that I am the Pope.

—Pope John XXIII
Commander of the horse; the title of officers appointed to command the cavalry in ancient Greece.
The rule or control of horses.
A condition beyond or worse than anarchy.
An excess of government.
The order of physicians.
The domain of fishes; the fish-world in all of its orders.
Rule of Judges in ancient Israel.
maternal aunt
The sister of one's mother.
matrarchic, matriarchical
Of or pertaining to a matriarch or to maternal rule; pertaining to, of the nature of, or based on matriarchy.
A matriarchal community or system.
That form of social organization in which the mother, and not the father, is the head of the family, and in which descent and relationship are reckoned through mothers and not through fathers.