sporo-, spor-, spori-, -sporium

(Greek: seed, seeding; a sowing; a crop; seedtime)

acrospore (s) (noun), acrospores (pl)
The very small unit in fungi: An acrospore is usually unicellular and appears at the extremity of the cell that propagates at the tip of a fungal threadlike filament.
acrosporous (adjective), more acrosporous, most acrosporous
1. The zoospore which in certain fucoid algae produces the male reproductive organs.
2. The female plant that produces peculiar swarm-spores out of which proceed very small male plants.
anemovane (s) (noun), anemovanes (pl)
An instrument that serves as both an anemometer and a wind vane: An anemone is best known for being used in the Canadian Meteorological Service.
A dimorphic spore, the sexes differing in size.
asporous (adjective) (not comparable)
A reference to having no true spores because of the inability to produce them: Asporous organisms (protozoa, fungi, and certain plants) are incapable of reproducing the elements necessary for reproduction.
azygospore (s) (noun), zygospores (pl)
An asexually formed zygospore, also known as "azygosperm" or "parthenospore", in fungi or a spore developed directly from a gamete without joining together.

A zygospore remains dormant while it waits for environmental cues, such as light, moisture, heat, or chemicals secreted by plants.

When the environment is favorable, the zygospore germinates, meiosis (cell division) occurs, and haploid (chromosome) vegetative cells are released.

cyclospore (s) (noun), cyclospora (pl)
One-celled, microscopic parasites that cause weeks or even months of severe intestinal illnesses associated with diarrhea and sometimes extreme bowel movements: "Some symptoms of cyclospora include a loss of appetite, cramps, nausea, and fatigue."

"Many cases of the cyclospora are self healing; however, sometimes antibiotics can speed recovery and reduce symptoms faster."

"Often, the cyclospora symptoms seem to go away, but they can return a few more times."

"Generally, outbreaks of cyclospora take place when food or water is contaminated with the parasite."

"The parasite is more common in tropical countries, and previous outbreaks in the United States came from eating fresh produce that was imported from these regions."

"The causes of the contaminations of cyclospora could be a result of unclean produce or the use of unsanitary irrigation methods that are utilized to grow the produce; so far, research has not been able to determine what is causing the infections for consumers."

—Compiled from information located in
"What We Know (and Don't Know) About the Latest Stomach Bug Outbreak" by
Alexandra Sifferlin; Time magazine in "Health & Family"; July 25, 2013.
Read more: The Latest Stomach Bug Outbreak.
gymnospore (s) (noun), gymnospores (pl)
Usually uncovered single-celled reproductive bodies which are produced by many plants, and some protozoans (very tiny one-celled organisms) that develop into new species which are without protective coverings: The group of Phylum Coniferophyta, or conifers, reproduce by means of gymnospores along the coast of California, U.S.A., and include junipers, firs, spruces, bristlecone pines, and the Sequoias.
Producing two different kinds of spores.
Having only one kind of spore; isosporous.