mania-, -mania, -maniac, -maniacal, -manic, -manically, -maniacally
(Greek: a specific mental disorder or obsessive preoccupation with something; madness, frenzy; obsession, or abnormal desire for or with something or someone; also, an excessive enthusiasm or fondness for something that is not safe or advantageous)
An unusually strong fascination or crazy desire to see lightening and thunder storms.
1. A compulsion toward solitude or of being by oneself.
2. A preoccupation or thinking about committing suicide.
2. A preoccupation or thinking about committing suicide.
1. An obsessive desire to commit suicide.
2. A condition in which someone is suicidal.
2. A condition in which someone is suicidal.
A passionate addiction or desire to see or to participate in ballet dancing.
A fascination with the various bullets which can be fired from a gun.
A craze for establishing banks where money is stored for saving or commercial purposes or is supplied for loans or exchanged.
Most countries have a variety of banks for businesses and for individuals who want to have a safe place for their income; however, sometimes there are too many banks and so some of them either go out of business or are taken over by other banking institutions.
1. A morbid tendency or compulsion to steal and to possess books.
2. A book thief who is regarded as someone who has a mental problem.

A "private collector" acquires additional books for his personal library.
2. A book thief who is regarded as someone who has a mental problem.

See another bibliokleptomaniac who was in the news.
1. A book thief who is often regarded as being insane.
2. Someone who has an uncontrollable or a compulsive desire to steal and possess books.
2. Someone who has an uncontrollable or a compulsive desire to steal and possess books.
An intense desire to collect and possess books; especially, rare and curious ones; crazy about books: Kim's bibliomania has resulted in a compulsion to have books stacked in all of her rooms, on and next to the full shelves.

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Someone who has an intense desire to collect and possess books.
bibliomaniacal (noun), more bibliomaniacal, most bibliomaniacal
A reference to anyone who has an intense and inordinate desire to collect and possess books; especially, rare and curious ones.
A mental disorder which is caused by the use of bromine; an organic mental disorder produced by chronic bromide intoxication: Bromomania is a delirium that is caused by poisoning with bromine or any of its salts.
1. A gnashing, grinding, gritting, and clenching of the teeth in other than normal chewing movements occurring unconsciously in the daytime; sometimes resulting in a loosening of the teeth and a bleeding of the gums.
2. Compulsive and continual crushing of the teeth together, with intermittent grinding.
3. The involuntary, "nervous" grinding of the teeth while a patient is awake.
2. Compulsive and continual crushing of the teeth together, with intermittent grinding.
3. The involuntary, "nervous" grinding of the teeth while a patient is awake.
It is thought bruxomania occurs as a way to relieve tension or stress and was first diagnosed as a medical condition in 1907.
bruxomaniac (noun), bruxomaniacs (pl)
Someone who has a compulsive, and uncontrollable and continual crushing of the teeth together, with intermittent grinding.
A nervous disorder that someone may have which is characterized by an abnormal grinding of the teeth.

Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "anger, angry; rage, wrath, fury; rave": fur-, furi-; ira-; lysso-; rab-, rav-.