mania-, -mania, -maniac, -maniacal, -manic, -manically, -maniacally
(Greek: a specific mental disorder or obsessive preoccupation with something; madness, frenzy; obsession, or abnormal desire for or with something or someone; also, an excessive enthusiasm or fondness for something that is not safe or advantageous)
1. A display of erudition by excessive use of Greek terms.
2. Using cumbersome Greek or Latin terms instead of those readily understandable English words.
2. Using cumbersome Greek or Latin terms instead of those readily understandable English words.
An addiction to heroin.
A religious hysteria: Hieromania is a kind of religious insanity or a pathological religious fervor characterized by delusions with a religious content.
Heromania can show such symptoms as pathological religious visions or delusions or even show an abnormal interest in priests.
A person who has pathological religious visions or delusions: Old Mr. Black was known to be a hieromaniacs and showed signs of religious fervour with delusions containing religious contents.
An obsessive fascination for or an excessive enthusiasm for horses.
1. A fondness for horses.
2. Someone who loves horses.
2. Someone who loves horses.
Like a mad horse.
1. An abnormal desire to travel.
2. An excessive compulsion to be traveling.
2. An excessive compulsion to be traveling.
Any kind of mental disease where there is an irresistible impulse to commit murder; used now instead of the previously used term of phonomania.
A mental disorder due to mercury poisoning.
An epileptic condition characterized by attacks of uncontrollable or insatiable thirst.
1. An excessive craving for water or liquids; an uncontrollable fascination with water.
2. An impulse to commit suicide by drowning.
2. An impulse to commit suicide by drowning.
A passion, or craving, for water.
Someone who has a desire, passion, or craving, for water.
An excessive tendency towards materialism or a fascination for forests.

Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "anger, angry; rage, wrath, fury; rave": fur-, furi-; ira-; lysso-; rab-, rav-.