mania-, -mania, -maniac, -maniacal, -manic, -manically, -maniacally
(Greek: a specific mental disorder or obsessive preoccupation with something; madness, frenzy; obsession, or abnormal desire for or with something or someone; also, an excessive enthusiasm or fondness for something that is not safe or advantageous)
A crazy or excessive desire for studying and collecting dictionaries; sometimes resulting in an abnormal fondness for them.
Words fascinate me. They always have. For me, browsing in a dictionary is like being turned loose in a bank.
1. A form of insanity in which one talks excessively; over talkativeness.
2. A rapid, pressured, flow of words when speaking.
2. A rapid, pressured, flow of words when speaking.
1. Someone who is "crazy" about words.
2. Anyone who is insanely interested in words.
2. Anyone who is insanely interested in words.
Great loquacity. Considered obsolete because an abnormal mental state that is characterized only by great loquacity is difficult to diagnose as the only symptom of a psychiatric symptom.
Lycanthropy or the belief that one can change him/herself or others into a wolf or some other animal.
An obsessive desire to be in dark or gloomy places. Many agoraphobics feel more comfortable in the dark than they do when it is light and they can be seen by others.
Extreme mournfulness, sadness, or melancholy.
Masochism in females.
A form of insanity in which the person conceives of things, especially parts of his/her own body, to be larger than they really are.
Puerperal psychosis (a psychiatric disorder that may affect women in the first two weeks after giving birth).
Relating to, connected with, or occurring during childbirth or the period immediately following childbirth.
It may be depressive or schizophrenic and may involve false ideas concerning the baby.
A psychosis related to childbirth and resulting from, or occurring, after childbirth.
mania, manias
1. Mental derangement characterized by great excitement, delusions and hallucinations and, in its extreme stages, by great violence.
2. A period of great excitement affecting a body of people.
3. An emotional disorder characterized by some euphoria or irritability, increased psychomotor activity, rapid speech, flight of ideas, decreased need for sleep, distractibility, grandiosity, and poor judgment.
2. A period of great excitement affecting a body of people.
3. An emotional disorder characterized by some euphoria or irritability, increased psychomotor activity, rapid speech, flight of ideas, decreased need for sleep, distractibility, grandiosity, and poor judgment.
1. Considered an “obsolete” term for a mentally ill or disturbed person: A maniac can also be described as a lunatic, a deranged person, a psychopath, a madman, or a madwoman.
2. Someone who suffers from, or who has, a mental derangement: A maniac is characterized by great excitement, delusions and hallucinations and, in extreme stages, by great violence.
2. Someone who suffers from, or who has, a mental derangement: A maniac is characterized by great excitement, delusions and hallucinations and, in extreme stages, by great violence.
1. Suggestive of or afflicted with insanity.
2. Characterized by excessive enthusiasm or excitement.
3. Characterized by mania.
2. Characterized by excessive enthusiasm or excitement.
3. Characterized by mania.
An extreme concern of becoming insane or mentally ill: After her husband was killed in a car accident at the age of 25, Rebecca hoped that she wouldn't suffer from maniaphobia and become totally distraught.

Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "anger, angry; rage, wrath, fury; rave": fur-, furi-; ira-; lysso-; rab-, rav-.