mania-, -mania, -maniac, -maniacal, -manic, -manically, -maniacally
(Greek: a specific mental disorder or obsessive preoccupation with something; madness, frenzy; obsession, or abnormal desire for or with something or someone; also, an excessive enthusiasm or fondness for something that is not safe or advantageous)
1. A severe mania in which there is a partial or complete disorientation, and often accompanied by violent behavior.
2. Intense mania with overwhelming tensions and marked disorientation.
2. Intense mania with overwhelming tensions and marked disorientation.
An excessive fondness for, or desire to use, big words: “He presented me with this hyperpolysyllabicomaniac statement: It is impossible to indoctrinate a superannuated canine in the intricacies of innovative feats of legerdemain.”
A mania or excessive desire for sleeping.
hypomania, hypomaniac
A minor form of mania characterized by elation and a feeling of well-being together with quickness of thought. An abnormality of mood resembling mania (persistent elevated or expansive mood, hyperactivity, inflated self-esteem, etc.) but of lesser intensity.
An old name for nymphomania.
An excessive fascination with fish.
Someone who is extremely and excessively interested in images.
1. An excessive devotion to or a morbid impulse for collecting images (icons or portraits).
2. An infatuation with icons, whether as objects of devotion, works of art, bric-a-brac, or curios.
2. An infatuation with icons, whether as objects of devotion, works of art, bric-a-brac, or curios.
1. Zealous idolatry.
2. An abnormal interest in idols.
2. An abnormal interest in idols.
A passion, excessive interest in, or craze for islands.
An excessive interest in things related to Italy or Italians.
1. A morbid interest in novelty or new trends.
2. A strong tendency to possess new things.
2. A strong tendency to possess new things.
An uncontrollable compulsion to sit down.
A strong desire to be in open, barren, and empty places away from other people.

Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "anger, angry; rage, wrath, fury; rave": fur-, furi-; ira-; lysso-; rab-, rav-.