zoo-, zoa-, zo-, -zoic, -zoid, -zoite, -zoal, -zonal, -zooid, -zoon, -zoa, -zoan
(Greek: animal, animals; living beings; life)
zoogleal, zoogloeal (adjective) (not comparable)
Pertaining to zoogloea: A zoogloeal aggregation of bacteria is a jellylike mass that has accumulated caused by the enlargement or bulging of the cell walls due to the absorption of water.
zoogonous, zoogonic (adjective) (not comparable)
1. In zoology, referring to the delivery of live offspring from within the body of the parent; viviparous; Most mammals are zoogonous in that the mother gives birth after the baby has developed in the womb.
2. In botany, pertaining to seeds that sprout before falling to the earth: All seeds, including those that are zoogonous, need water, oxygen, and the right temperature in order to germinate.
2. In botany, pertaining to seeds that sprout before falling to the earth: All seeds, including those that are zoogonous, need water, oxygen, and the right temperature in order to germinate.
In zoology, the study of the creation of life forms: Thomas was so interested in how animals come into being that he wanted to take a course in zoogony and learn more about animal generation.
The surgical transplant of tissue from an animal to a human; zoografting: Grace read about zoograft, or zooplastic graft, as being a way to transfer a body part or skin from an animal to a person.
Someone who describes animals, their behavior, and environmental living conditions: A zoographer not only is a scientist or a researcher, but can also be one who depicts faunae as an artist, by sketching or painting, or even by means of photography.
A biological science that describes animals and their habitats: Zoography presents the environmental areas where particular species of animals live.
An animal hormone: One zoohormone of a cat is a thyroid hormone which helps to regulate a cat's metabolism.
1. An animal cell capable of independent existence or movement: A zooid can be an ovum or a spermatozoon, or the segment of a tapeworm.
2. An individual invertebrate animal that reproduces nonsexually by budding or spliting: A good example of a zooid can be one that lives in a colony in which each member is joined to others by living material, e.g., a coral.
2. An individual invertebrate animal that reproduces nonsexually by budding or spliting: A good example of a zooid can be one that lives in a colony in which each member is joined to others by living material, e.g., a coral.
An individual zooid forms part of a colony and is characterized by a more or less fixed base, columnar body, and free end with mouth and tentacles.
zooidal (adjective) (not comparable)
Concerning a zooid: Such zooidal colonial organisms can be the bryozoans and coral.
zool. (abbreviation)
An abbreviation of zoology or zoological: At college all the students, and even the professors, said that they always used the short form zool. for zoology.
Someone who either worships or gives excessive attention to animals: Jack's uncle loved animals more than people, so he never married, was a zoolater, and practiced zoolatry.
zoolatrous (adjective), more zoolatrous, most zoolatrous
Concerning the worship or excessive attention to animals: Mary was totally devoted to her cat, and her parents thought that she behaved in quite a zoolatrous manner.

1. In some ancient cultures, the worshiping of animals: In times long past, people idolized animals as being embodiments of specific deities or as symbols of certain natural forces, and this total devotion was known as zoolatry.
2. Excessive attachment to animals, especially of domestic pets: Audrey and her sister dedicated all of their time to their horses, and their family decided that they were practicing zoolatry!
2. Excessive attachment to animals, especially of domestic pets: Audrey and her sister dedicated all of their time to their horses, and their family decided that they were practicing zoolatry!
An animal fossil: In the museum, Jack was impressed by the quality of the zooliths of various faunae from long ago that could be viewed in the glass showcases.
zoolithic (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to fossilised animals: When Sam looked at the rock, he thought he could see a zoolithic worm from ancient times.