zoo-, zoa-, zo-, -zoic, -zoid, -zoite, -zoal, -zonal, -zooid, -zoon, -zoa, -zoan
(Greek: animal, animals; living beings; life)
zoidiophilous (adjective), more zoidiophilous, most zoidiophilous
Concerning the pollination of a plant or flower by animals; zoophilous: Some zoidiophilous processes are known to take place normally by invertebrates, but also by vertebrates, like birds when they reach inside a flower for nectar and, with this activity, the polen gets transferred to the stigma.
An abreviation for "zoological gardens"; animal park; menagerie: Mandy and her parents went to a big zoo where the animals were kept in enclosures, cared for, and displayed to the visitors.
A protein found in animal venoms that causes red blood cells tp clump together: Besides the information regarding zooagglutinin being present in the toxin secreted by animals, it has also been detected in cow's milk and effects cells to lump or cluster together.
An elongate or oval larval form of Zoanthinaria: The zooxanthellas are pelagic larva that have a ventral band of very long cilia.
Zooanthellas, the minute unicellular green alga, thrive inside the tissues of small vascular growths on the outside of the mucous membranes of the corals, and they provide nutrients and oxygen through photosynthesis, and, in addition, furnish the corals with color.
zooanthellae (pl) (noun)
One of the assorted dinoflagellates that are yellow-brown in color, are phtosynthetic, and live together with certain pelagic protozoa: Besides being symbiotic with corals, zooanthellae cohabit with other marine invertebrates.
An oval larval form of Zoanthinaria: The zooanthina has a girdle of long cilia near the oral pole.
An animal disease normally maintained by humans but which can be transmitted to other vertebrates, for example amebiasis to dogs, tuberculosis, etc.: Zooanthroponosis that involves "amebiasis" may include abdominal pain, mild diarrhoea, bloody diarrhea, or severe inflammation of the lining of the colon.
The response of fauna to their environmental conditions as a whole: A zooapocrisis is an animal's strategy to survive due to varying ecological factors in the area.
The study of animal remains from archaeological sites: Zooarchaeology includes the identification and analysis of animal species as an aid to reconstructing human diets, determining the impact of animals on past economies, and in understanding the environment at the time.
Zooarchaeologists attempt to answer questions such as how many species of domesticated animals there were, how far wild animals were exploited, how many very young animals there were to determine kill patterns and climate changes, in what way bones were butchered, what the sex ratios there were in determining breeding strategies, and if there were any animals of unusual size.
The fauna living in or on the seabed or lake floor: Zoobenthos is the term given to the aquatic bottom-dwelling organisms, including such animals as the sponges, lobsters, and polychaete worms.
A scientific study of animals and all the aspects of animal life: Zoobiology is a branch of biology that deals with the life of all fauna.

The condition of a parasitic fungus that infests an animal: Jack took his cat, Toby, to the veterinarian because it wasn't feeling good, and it was found to have zoobiosis, which was the cause for Toby's disorder.
zoobiotic (adjective) (not comparable)
Parasitic on an animal: Some fungi are zoobiotic in that they thrive on or in an animal.
Any animal cell: While studying biology, Jane learned that zooblasts referred to the essential structural and functional units of an animal.
An animal or plant community: Mrs. Timmons wanted to have a zoocenose in her garden, or a certain ecosystem of different plants that would interact with each other positively.