(Greek > Latin: a suffix that is used to form hundreds of words that mean: similar to, resembling, like, characterized by, or of the nature of)
This element is also utilized to form abstract nouns; feminine common nouns; and it is used in chemistry to form names of alkaloids and bases or names of elements.
limicoline: wading birds
Of or pertaining to the Limicolae, a family of shore or wading birds; especially the plovers, sandpipers, and phalaropes.
lumbricine: earthworms
A reference to earthworms of the family Lumbricina.
lupine: wolf, wolves
1. Having the nature or qualities of a wolf; such as, being rapacious, predatory, and ravenous.
2. A reference to a wolf or to wolves.
3. Wildly hungry or greedy in behavior or character like a wolf.
4. Any of numerous plants belonging to the genus Lupinus, of the legume family; such as Lupine albus (white lupine), of Europe, bearing edible seeds, or Lupine perennis, of the eastern U.S., having tall, dense clusters of blue, pink, or white flowers.
2. A reference to a wolf or to wolves.
3. Wildly hungry or greedy in behavior or character like a wolf.
4. Any of numerous plants belonging to the genus Lupinus, of the legume family; such as Lupine albus (white lupine), of Europe, bearing edible seeds, or Lupine perennis, of the eastern U.S., having tall, dense clusters of blue, pink, or white flowers.

"There are those who think we just kill the old, or the maimed, but I'm ready for the prime stuff today."
lutrine: otters
A reference to otters of the family Lutrinaeor.
lyncine: lynxes
A reference to lynxes.
macropine: kangaroos
A reference to kangaroos.
macropodine: kangaroos, wallabies
A reference to kangaroos and wallabies.
manatine: manatees
A reference to manatees.
marine (adjective), more marine, most marine
1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of the sea: After completing high school, Albert wanted to study marine biology at the local college because he was very interested in ocean life.
2. Concerning something native to, inhabiting, or formed by the sea: Some marine animals could be seen at the zoo in Tim's city.
3. Pertaining to naval matters or to shipping: The captain of the cargo ship had to recheck the marine insurance plan before starting the long voyage.
2. Concerning something native to, inhabiting, or formed by the sea: Some marine animals could be seen at the zoo in Tim's city.
3. Pertaining to naval matters or to shipping: The captain of the cargo ship had to recheck the marine insurance plan before starting the long voyage.
There were several marine accidents that were reported to have taken place in the harbor that year.
4. A reference to organisms in the sea or ocean: Jack found many marine or aquatic plants for his collection which he needed for his biology class.
5. Concerning artistry illustrating ocean scenes: Many marine artists came every year to the picturesque harbor in Nova Scotia to paint the seaside.
masculine: male, males
1. Of or pertaining to the gender to which appellations of males normally belong.
2. Pertaining to the male sex; peculiar to or assigned to males; consisting of males.
3. Of, relating to, or characteristic of men or boys; male.
4. Etymology: "belonging to the male gender" from Old French masculin, "of the male sex"; from Latin masculinus, "male, of the masculine gender"; from masculus.
2. Pertaining to the male sex; peculiar to or assigned to males; consisting of males.
3. Of, relating to, or characteristic of men or boys; male.
4. Etymology: "belonging to the male gender" from Old French masculin, "of the male sex"; from Latin masculinus, "male, of the masculine gender"; from masculus.
The meaning of "having the appropriate qualities of the male sex; that is, manly, virile, and powerful" was first indicated in the 1620's.
matutine: morning
1. A reference to the morning.
2. Occurring early in the morning.
2. Occurring early in the morning.
megapterine: humpback whales
A reference to humpback whales.
meleagrine: turkeys
A reference to turkeys.
meline: badgers
A reference to badgers.
mephitine (adjective), more mephitine, most mephitine
A reference to certain animals that produce stinking responses to threats by other creatures: The skunk is a mephitine animal that defends itself by squirting out a spray of liquid with a very strong, unpleasant smell from a pair of glands near its tail and if anyone ever gets sprayed by one, he or she should find a place to quickly strip off all of his or her clothes and take a bath as soon as possible.