sauro-, saur-, -saurus, -saurid, -saur,
-sauria, -saurian +
(Greek: lizard, reptile, serpent; used especially with reference to "dinosaurs")
saurochorous, saurochore, saurochory
Dispersed or distributed by lizards or snakes; also known as saurophilous.
A reference to a lizard’s or dinosaur’s tooth.
In zoology, resembling a reptile.
Saurolophus, Saurolophine
Means “ridged (crested) lizard” from Late Cretaceous Mongolia and North America (Alberta, Canada). Named by paleontologist Barnum Brown (1873-1963) in 1912.
These “bird-like lizards” were lightweight predators as long as a man. They shared some features found in other small theropods. They are said to have lived in Late Cretaceous northern areas.
A “small-shield lizard” from Early Cretaceous or Late Cretaceous Montana, USA. Named by U. S. paleontologist John H. Ostrom in 1970.
A “king-of-the-reptile eaters” from Late Jurassic Oklahoma. Named by Daniel J. Chure in 1995.
This nomenclature (“reptile eater”) is no longer recognized by scientists because they found that it described an animal that was previously given another name which is Allosaurus.
A “lizard hoplite” from Early Cretaceous or Late Cretaceous north China and Mongolia. The name comes from the hoplites, the name of the heavily armed infantry of ancient Greece. Named by Birger Bohlin in 1953.
In paleontology, any member of the infraorder sauropoda. It was a huge, quadrupedal, herbivorous dinosaur with long necks, small heads, and long tails.
Known as "lizard feet", this is a group of saurischian dinosaurs containing many large, quadripedal herbivores; such as, Diplodocus, the largest known terrestrial animal from the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.
The early Sauropodomorphs were Prosauropods (“before the lizard feet”). They included the first plant-eating dinosaurs, and most are believed to have lived before the much larger, herbivorous sauropods (“lizard feet”).
These “lizard feet” had five-toed feet, like lizards, but had little else in common with them. Among the largest beasts that ever walked the earth, these peaceful plant-eaters included giants the length of several buses, and heavier than perhaps a dozen big bull elephants. By Late Jurassic times, sauropods ranked among the most abundant of all plant-eating dinosaurs in lands as far apart as western North America, East Africa, and China.
A “lizard-bird robber” from Late Cretaceous southern Alberta, Canada. It was named by Canadian paleontologist Hans-Dieter Sues in 1978.
Saurornithoides, Saurornithoidids
A “bird-like lizard” from Late Cretaceous Mongolia. It was named by paleontologist Henry Fairfield Osborn in 1924.